New thread not showing.


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
Sorry to bother you Ian, and I hope no-one will think I'm trying to draw attention to a post.:o

Getting on for an hour ago, I posted a new thread in "Internet/ISP/Networking" called: "Test for IPv6 connectivity." I can see it from the "Forums" tab, but it is not showing up on the "Home" page, or from the "Last 24 hours" search results.

I have tried logging-in with different browsers, in case the glitch is at my end, but it's not showing-up in FF, Opera, or Avant.

Thought I should mention it, just in case there is any significance from your point of view, but once again, my apologies if this is only happening to me. Thanks for looking. :)

EDIT: This particular post IS showing up, by the way.
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Thanks TC :) and sorry for the slow reply, I've just got back home. I'll see what I can do to fix this tomorrow, as it seems strange it's not showing.

On the ball as always :thumb:.

I suspect that I've excluded this forum from the search results by accident :o.
Yep, missed that forum from the list :o - should be working now TC :)