I open my database and click on "home" tab,then on "create "tab,then"table
",then ,Add exsisting fields "I get the list on the left as expected butwhen
I try to drag them over they wont move ,,,the curser turns into a small
circle with a line through it and they are unmovable.
I have enabled data from security box...I just want a new table with the
my customer names and Id numbers and add new feilds after ,,,,thank you for
any sugestions
",then ,Add exsisting fields "I get the list on the left as expected butwhen
I try to drag them over they wont move ,,,the curser turns into a small
circle with a line through it and they are unmovable.
I have enabled data from security box...I just want a new table with the
my customer names and Id numbers and add new feilds after ,,,,thank you for
any sugestions