New System - whose best + cheapest

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Having built my own in the past I can finally afford to buy a pc all in one
go.( Im sure it works out cheaper) Just wondered who was best Tiny seem good
but quite low spec components, mesh do a good deal but the monitor is poor
( I want a athlon 64 foe mainly gaming) I want to spend about £900 and am
hoping for about a 3400 ??

Any thoughts anyone??
Having built my own in the past I can finally afford to buy a pc all in one
go.( Im sure it works out cheaper) Just wondered who was best Tiny seem good
but quite low spec components, mesh do a good deal but the monitor is poor
( I want a athlon 64 foe mainly gaming) I want to spend about £900 and am
hoping for about a 3400 ??

Any thoughts anyone??

Thought - It doesn't necessarily work out cheaper to go OEM
because you'll generally find an OEM pairs the higher-end
video card you need for good gaming, with a more expensive
bundle of (other parts) than needed. If you needed more
rounded performance it's a different situation, but for
building your own you'll get higher gaming performance per
same $ by spending higher percentage on the video card, and
buying memory at a good spot-price rather than from the OEM.
Often that's true of the video card too.

Where the OEM savings usually comes in is if you need all
the bundled software beyond the OS.
Having built my own in the past I can finally afford to buy a pc all in one
go.( Im sure it works out cheaper) Just wondered who was best Tiny seem good
but quite low spec components, mesh do a good deal but the monitor is poor
( I want a athlon 64 foe mainly gaming) I want to spend about £900 and am
hoping for about a 3400 ??

Any thoughts anyone??

It usually only works out cheaper at the low end. At the middle price
ranges or the upper end, you'll find that a pre-built that's identical
in specs will be nearly identical in price (some shops take off 3-5%
for buying a full system, as you're buying all the parts from them).
In those ranges, if there's a major price difference, it's often
because corners have been cut to make it cheaper. Depending on your
needs, these difference might matter a lot or they might not matter at
all (eg. low end power supply, cheaper case, lesser name motherboard,
and/or integrated peripherals, lesser name memory, etc).

The other end is the "boutique" machines where the build quality is
higher, but so is the price. The boutique machine won't necessarily
perform better than an identically spec'ed one you built, but it will
have a lot of labour put in to the details (eg. sanding and
refinishing of case edges to remove burrs and sharp edges, custom
paint, wiring harnesses and wiring oragami tricks).

When buying pre-built, it's more often a case of best VS cheapest.
The best compromise between best and cheapest will always be the
machine you build yourself, or custom spec at a smaller store.
Having built my own in the past I can finally afford to buy a pc all in one
go.( Im sure it works out cheaper) Just wondered who was best Tiny seem good

They have a terrible reputation.Leave well alone.
Daft as it is go to,"Toys-R-Us" and get a,"Medion(German
Contruction)".They are fantastic value for money and specs and TAU
will take anything back,no quibbles.Medion themselves have great
customer support.I cannot build what they flog for the price :/

HTH :)

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You will NEVER get a computer from a manufacturer that has top shelf quality
parts throughout to the same extent as if you built it yourself. A word to
the wise.
I would have to chime with this thought as well.

Usually, folks finally move to building their own - It is not often I see
folks move from building their own to buying a premade system. Nothing like
doing it yourself, and you get exactly what you want with each component,
and future upgradeability pretty much guarenteed. I bought my first two
systems premade many years ago, have been building them for far longer now.