I have been looking for quite some time around for a good PC shop.
In my hometown unfortunately the only shop that would be able to build a computer with the specs I want, has already conned me once, so now I was looking for some retailers that have a website from where I can chose the PC I want.
I guess many users have my same problem: who to trust when buying online?
I bought many PC magazines and in all of them there is a lot of advertisement for MESH computers. Luckily I came across this site before making the big mistake of buying from them.
My other option was Alienware, but finally I came across VADIM computers which has a lot of good products and options for buling your custom system, and I definetly prefer the system I came up with on the VADIM computers site rather than the one I came up with on the Alienware site.
My question is, has anyone ever bought a computer from VADIM computers? Can one trust them ? Or is there any way to verify if it is a reliable company.
I don't want to pay and lose thousands of pounds to some "stranger" on the net. I have goggled their name up, but haven't found anything really.
I don't want to offend anybody, it is just that anybody can build a nice website and say that they are the best thing that you ever came across.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and I appreciate any help
I have been looking for quite some time around for a good PC shop.
In my hometown unfortunately the only shop that would be able to build a computer with the specs I want, has already conned me once, so now I was looking for some retailers that have a website from where I can chose the PC I want.
I guess many users have my same problem: who to trust when buying online?
I bought many PC magazines and in all of them there is a lot of advertisement for MESH computers. Luckily I came across this site before making the big mistake of buying from them.
My other option was Alienware, but finally I came across VADIM computers which has a lot of good products and options for buling your custom system, and I definetly prefer the system I came up with on the VADIM computers site rather than the one I came up with on the Alienware site.
My question is, has anyone ever bought a computer from VADIM computers? Can one trust them ? Or is there any way to verify if it is a reliable company.
I don't want to pay and lose thousands of pounds to some "stranger" on the net. I have goggled their name up, but haven't found anything really.
I don't want to offend anybody, it is just that anybody can build a nice website and say that they are the best thing that you ever came across.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and I appreciate any help