I'm looking at building a new PC. I've pretty much decided on using an FIC
RS482 socket 939 mainboard.
This mainboard provides onboard Radeon X300 SVideo/DVI/VGA dual display,
gigabit LAN, 8 channel sound, 4 DIMM sockets, and some decent overclocking
options. The main use for this PC is going to be as a
PVR/fileserver/occasional Quake 3 or racing sim. I'll be stuffing 2x512meg
low latency memory into this as well as a PCIe-1x TV tuner card.
At this point the only real decision is which processor to purchase. And
then find a decent *QUIET* cooler for it.
My plan was for an Athlon 64 3700+ @2.2Ghz with 1meg cache, but after
reading some information online I'm not so sure now. My cost would be $240
(Canadian bux)
For $400 I could get an Opteron 165 Dual core @1.8Ghz with 2x1meg cache.
For $400 I could get a Athlon 64 X2 3800+ @2.0Ghz with 2x512meg cache.
Where is the sweet spot for performance? I hear that Opterons overclock much
better than the Athlon 64 chips. Now we can get dual core Athlon and Opteron
processors as well.
Considering that I am willing to try overclocking, which processor gives the
best bang for the buck?
RS482 socket 939 mainboard.
This mainboard provides onboard Radeon X300 SVideo/DVI/VGA dual display,
gigabit LAN, 8 channel sound, 4 DIMM sockets, and some decent overclocking
options. The main use for this PC is going to be as a
PVR/fileserver/occasional Quake 3 or racing sim. I'll be stuffing 2x512meg
low latency memory into this as well as a PCIe-1x TV tuner card.
At this point the only real decision is which processor to purchase. And
then find a decent *QUIET* cooler for it.
My plan was for an Athlon 64 3700+ @2.2Ghz with 1meg cache, but after
reading some information online I'm not so sure now. My cost would be $240
(Canadian bux)
For $400 I could get an Opteron 165 Dual core @1.8Ghz with 2x1meg cache.
For $400 I could get a Athlon 64 X2 3800+ @2.0Ghz with 2x512meg cache.
Where is the sweet spot for performance? I hear that Opterons overclock much
better than the Athlon 64 chips. Now we can get dual core Athlon and Opteron
processors as well.
Considering that I am willing to try overclocking, which processor gives the
best bang for the buck?