New System Configuration

  • Thread starter Thread starter Denny1803
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I'm considering a new CPU with VISTA for Small Business. To run efficiently
would you recommend 3GB RAM? How about CPU processor and clock speed? Also,
what are your thoughts on INTEL vs. AMD?

Thank you,
The CPU choice doesn't really matter that much, just whatever fits your
budget. 3 GB of RAM does help quite a bit over anything less. Clock speed
should be as fast as you can afford, but for business uses, it matters a bit
less. Any Core2Duo from Intel or X2 from AMD would be sufficient. I'd stay
away from the Semperon and Celeron processors, though.

Of course, what your business does can make a difference in your choices,
too. Do you use Photoshop, or is it mostly Office applications, etc?
It's not really possible to recommend with such little information posted.
What kind of software application will this business use? If you are to use
high end graphic and/or video applications, then I'd go as high as you can,
if you are just doing ordinary word processing, then just about anything
will be fine.

I'd recommend Intel Core 2 Duo over AMD at this point in time. My notebook
has 4gb of RAM, a Core2 Duo T7500 and an ATI HD 2400 with 256mb dedicated
RAM. My desktop has an old P4 3.0Mhz Prescott CPU with 2gb RAM and an ATI
x850 Pro with 256mb RAM (and 5 hard drives!)

If you are gaming (??? on a business PC???) then Intel Quad Core and as much
RAM as you can put in it, with a high end graphics card... the sky is the
limit as far as gaming PCs are concerned.
Dustin - I will be using this primarily for legal research purposes. I also
will be using MST Word. I could be using it to store some photos or video
down the road but that's not a planned usage at this time.
Cari - This is for business use, primarily legal research on the net and some
word processing (MST Word). Just curious, why Intel over AMD?
I recommend a Core 2 Duo over an AMD at the moment, but only slightly. A
year ago I might have recommended an AMD Athlon 64 5000+. You cannot go
wrong on this choice, however. Just choose and go.

Denny1803 said:
Cari - This is for business use, primarily legal research on the net and
word processing (MST Word). Just curious, why Intel over AMD?