New Strain of Worm

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ben
  • Start date Start date


I have removed the MSBLAST worm from several computers -
all pretty much routine. Today I have come across a
different strain - this one will not allow you to open
the task manager, msconfig, or registry editor.

I noticed 3 files in the startup folder - webdav.exe,
tftp848.exe and tftp3932.exe

Anyone have any idea what this is?
The tftpnnnn files are leftovers from msblast.exe. webdav is a Microsoft
application. Doesn't sound like a new strain to me.
Kent W. England said:
The tftpnnnn files are leftovers from msblast.exe. webdav is a Microsoft
application. Doesn't sound like a new strain to me.

My granddaughter's PC has the webdav.exe file in the startup folder also.
Same symptoms as Ben mentioned, can't access task manager, msconfig or

She doesn't have the symptom where the PC shuts down every 60 seconds that I
have heard talked about with the msblast worm.