New Spywareblaster 4.1

  • Thread starter Thread starter robinb
  • Start date Start date


there is a new version of Spywareblaster from 4.0 to 4.1

when you click on check for updates you will see it show you where to get it

make sure you follow the instructions on how to remove 4.0 first

I've just downloaded SpywareBlaster 4.1 from Download.Com from the Javacool
site and about three minutes later my AVG 7.5 open up a warning box that a
was detected : Resident Shield Reports - Trojan Horse Dropper.Agent.IPC on
C:\ Program Files\ SpywareBlaster\ abautoupdate.exe. Anyone see this warning
that has AVG 7.5 that just installed the new SpywareBlaster or with any other
Antivirus. Did a scan with AVG yesterday and came up clean so this is either
a false positive or i just received this with the download. Ron
Ron H said:
I've just downloaded SpywareBlaster 4.1 from Download.Com from the Javacool
site and about three minutes later my AVG 7.5 open up a warning box that a
threat was detected : Resident Shield Reports - Trojan Horse Dropper.Agent.IPC on
C:\ Program Files\ SpywareBlaster\ abautoupdate.exe. [...]

I just saw the same thing with AVG 8.0.93 pro, virus DB
270.3.0/1500. Quarantined and sent to AVG for analysis.
I guess it just depends on whom you trust more Grisoft or JavaCool... Just
be aware that JavaCool uses some off the wall packagers (the cheapies
perhaps)... OneCare did the same thing at one time... I'm not sure if that
was ever cleared up by Microsoft, as they would have had to license the
packaging technology to unpack it for examination. Here's some info
starting in about Message #20:

I think you should all send it to VirusTotal and let the consensus of
opinion reflect on it's cleanliness. :o)
Thanks Dave, we both hit the same post. Ron

Dave M said:
I guess it just depends on whom you trust more Grisoft or JavaCool... Just
be aware that JavaCool uses some off the wall packagers (the cheapies
perhaps)... OneCare did the same thing at one time... I'm not sure if that
was ever cleared up by Microsoft, as they would have had to license the
packaging technology to unpack it for examination. Here's some info
starting in about Message #20:

I think you should all send it to VirusTotal and let the consensus of
opinion reflect on it's cleanliness. :o)
Took my own advice and had it force re-analyzed at VirusTotal. Kaspersky
picks up the Armadillo packager which was giving OneCare a hiccup when
OneCare was first released, but no detection from Microsoft this go round.
Since there are lots of detections, you could probably let it quarantine
since unless you're using the paid version with autoupdate so you wouldn't
use that executable anyway.

File sbautoupdate.exe received on 06.13.2008 03:26:40 (CET)
Current status: Loading ... queued waiting scanning finished NOT FOUND

Result: 6/32 (18.75%)
Loading server information...
Your file is queued in position: 1.

Antivirus Version Last Update Result
AhnLab-V3 2008.6.13.0 2008.06.12 -
AntiVir 2008.06.12 -
Authentium 2008.06.12 -
Avast 4.8.1195.0 2008.06.12 -
AVG 2008.06.12 Dropper.Agent.IPC
BitDefender 7.2 2008.06.13 -
CAT-QuickHeal 9.50 2008.06.12 (Suspicious) - DNAScan
ClamAV 0.92.1 2008.06.12 -
DrWeb 2008.06.12 -
eSafe 2008.06.12 -
eTrust-Vet 31.6.5870 2008.06.13 -
Ewido 4.0 2008.06.12 -
F-Prot 2008.06.12 -
F-Secure 6.70.13260.0 2008.06.12 W32/Malware
Fortinet 2008.06.12 -
GData 2.0.7306.1023 2008.06.13 -
Ikarus T3. 2008.06.13 -
Kaspersky 2008.06.13 -
McAfee 5316 2008.06.12 -
Microsoft 1.3604 2008.06.13 -
NOD32v2 3182 2008.06.12 -
Norman 5.80.02 2008.06.12 W32/Malware
Panda 2008.06.12 Suspicious file
Prevx1 V2 2008.06.13 -
Rising 2008.06.12 -
Sophos 4.30.0 2008.06.13 -
Sunbelt 3.0.1145.1 2008.06.05 -
Symantec 10 2008.06.13 -
TheHacker 2008.06.12 -
VBA32 2008.06.12 -
VirusBuster 4.3.26:9 2008.06.12 -
Webwasher-Gateway 6.6.2 2008.06.12 Virus.Win32.FileInfector.gen!94
Additional information
File size: 906792 bytes
MD5...: 5d0e5821eb35cda9c320c1bdf1a4b695
SHA1..: 62b09b3503c05a3cc853bb8bdfcc8292fd200e53
PEiD..: -
PEInfo: PE Structure information

( base data )
entrypointaddress.: 0x4b22a2
timedatestamp.....: 0x484f34cd (Wed Jun 11 02:13:33 2008)
machinetype.......: 0x14c (I386)

( 7 sections )
name viradd virsiz rawdsiz ntrpy md5
.text 0x1000 0x73d9c 0x0 0.00 d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
.data 0x75000 0x47a4 0x0 0.00 d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
.text1 0x7a000 0x50000 0x42000 6.43 5f5d36467069a9dfd292a8ad02089509
.adata 0xca000 0x10000 0xd000 0.00 938d6d97628275a512e07c66be5ccecf
.data1 0xda000 0x20000 0xb000 3.74 29c52db44c2d4ccc06650ba03bf8f3cf
.pdata 0xfa000 0x80000 0x7a000 7.99 2e99ba169be4ee78b8a03d3fe4170575
.rsrc 0x17a000 0x7000 0x7000 4.99 f3eb782f672007721aa8ebf9145802fa

( 3 imports )
KERNEL32.dll: CreateThread, GlobalUnlock, GlobalLock, GlobalAlloc,
GetTickCount, WideCharToMultiByte, IsBadReadPtr, GlobalAddAtomA,
GlobalAddAtomW, GetModuleHandleA, GlobalFree, GlobalGetAtomNameA,
GlobalDeleteAtom, GlobalGetAtomNameW, FreeConsole, GetEnvironmentVariableA,
VirtualProtect, VirtualAlloc, GetProcAddress, GetLastError, LoadLibraryA,
SetLastError, SetThreadPriority, GetCurrentThread, CreateProcessA,
GetCommandLineA, GetStartupInfoA, SetEnvironmentVariableA, ReleaseMutex,
WaitForSingleObject, CreateMutexA, OpenMutexA, GetCurrentThreadId,
CreateFileA, FindClose, FindFirstFileA, FindFirstFileW, VirtualQueryEx,
GetExitCodeProcess, ReadProcessMemory, UnmapViewOfFile, ContinueDebugEvent,
SetThreadContext, GetThreadContext, WaitForDebugEvent, SuspendThread,
DebugActiveProcess, ResumeThread, CreateProcessW, GetCommandLineW,
GetStartupInfoW, CloseHandle, DuplicateHandle, GetCurrentProcess,
CreateFileMappingA, VirtualProtectEx, WriteProcessMemory, ExitProcess,
FlushFileBuffers, WriteConsoleW, GetConsoleOutputCP, WriteConsoleA,
SetStdHandle, GetConsoleMode, GetConsoleCP, SetFilePointer, GetLocaleInfoA,
GetStringTypeW, GetStringTypeA, LCMapStringW, MultiByteToWideChar,
LCMapStringA, HeapSize, HeapReAlloc, QueryPerformanceCounter, VirtualFree,
HeapCreate, HeapDestroy, GetFileType, SetHandleCount,
GetEnvironmentStringsW, FreeEnvironmentStringsW, GetEnvironmentStrings,
FreeEnvironmentStringsA, RtlUnwind, DeleteCriticalSection, GetStdHandle,
WriteFile, TlsFree, TlsSetValue, TlsAlloc, TlsGetValue, Sleep,
EnterCriticalSection, LeaveCriticalSection, GetVersionExA,
InitializeCriticalSection, GetCurrentProcessId, GetModuleFileNameW,
GetShortPathNameW, GetModuleFileNameA, MapViewOfFile, GetShortPathNameA,
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime, HeapFree, HeapAlloc, GetProcessHeap,
RaiseException, TerminateProcess, UnhandledExceptionFilter,
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, IsDebuggerPresent, GetCPInfo,
InterlockedIncrement, InterlockedDecrement, GetACP, GetOEMCP,
USER32.dll: GetDesktopWindow, MoveWindow, SetPropA,
EnumThreadWindows, GetPropA, GetMessageA, GetSystemMetrics, SetTimer,
GetAsyncKeyState, KillTimer, BeginPaint, EndPaint, SetWindowTextA,
GetDlgItem, CreateDialogIndirectParamA, ShowWindow, UpdateWindow,
LoadStringA, LoadStringW, FindWindowA, WaitForInputIdle, MessageBoxA,
InSendMessage, UnpackDDElParam, FreeDDElParam, DefWindowProcA, LoadCursorA,
RegisterClassW, CreateWindowExW, RegisterClassA, CreateWindowExA,
GetWindowThreadProcessId, SendMessageW, SendMessageA, PeekMessageA,
TranslateMessage, DispatchMessageA, EnumWindows, IsWindowUnicode,
PackDDElParam, PostMessageW, PostMessageA, IsWindow, DestroyWindow
GDI32.dll: CreateDCA, CreateDIBitmap, CreateCompatibleDC,
SelectObject, SelectPalette, RealizePalette, BitBlt, DeleteDC,
DeleteObject, CreatePalette

( 0 exports )

Norman Sandbox: [ General information ]
* **IMPORTANT: PLEASE SEND THE SCANNED FILE TO: (e-mail address removed) -
* File length: 906792 bytes.

[ Process/window information ]
* Creates process \"sample.exe\".
* Reads memory in process sample.exe.
* Modifies memory in process sample.exe.
* Modifies startup code of process sample.exe.

packers (Kaspersky): Armadillo
wierd i downloaded it in firefox on 4 computers running avg pro and free and
nothing popped up on the download or the install
i am wondering why i did not see avg pop up saying it is a trojan- is it the
site i went to get it from that is different?
hmmm i just helped a client and went into add/remove programs and now AVG
pops up telling me that file is infected
i set it to ignore
and had to email all my clients to set it to ignore too
avg should do a fix for this
Robinb said:
i am wondering why i did not see avg pop up saying it is a trojan- is it
the site i went to get it from that is different?
Robinb said:
i am wondering why i did not see avg pop up saying it is a trojan- is it the
site i went to get it from that is different?

Here's how I found it:
1. I scan any new installation / update / etc. before using it
2. I have the 'scan on open' set in my AVG configuration.

When Explorer opened \Program Files\SpywareBlaster\ to pick up
the file icons, opening sbautoupdate to retrieve the icon
triggered AVG.
Robin, on the first day you reported the up-grade to 4.1 i went and checked
saw only two (2) Mirror download sites Major Geeks and another that i don't
remember, But when i returned the next day to download SWB. Download.Com
had been added to the list of mirror sites. I used Download.Com and who did
you use ? Ron
mine just did it too and trying to move it to exceptions makes no difference
because as soon as you go back to Program Files/spywareblaster AVG screams
hopefully they will issue an update for it
on one machine i used on the others i used major geeks
and now i am seeing it if i go to add/remove programs- before i can do
anything it pops up
do you still have it sitting there or did you remove the program?
Ron H said:
Robin, on the first day you reported the up-grade to 4.1 i went and checked
saw only two (2) Mirror download sites Major Geeks and another that i don't
remember, But when i returned the next day to download SWB. Download.Com
had been added to the list of mirror sites. I used Download.Com and who did
you use ? Ron

I tried install packages from both, with the same result.
yep and i just got an update from AVG which fixed this
I did a scan on the file and nothing was found