new speakers

  • Thread starter Thread starter tasha mccabe
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tasha mccabe

i have brought some speakers just to last me till i get a bit more money and
i dont know how to install them i have windows xp there is a fuzzy noise
cuming from them when i have head phones in but otherwise nothing they are
only the cheap tesco value speakers but i would like them to work untill i
get new speakers hope you can help me
First off, if you have Windows XP you should be posting questions in one of
the many Windows XP newsgroups. This newsgroup supports Vista.

That said, re-read the directions and ensure that you're plugging the
speakers into the correct output port.

Richard G. Harper [MVP Shell/User] (e-mail address removed)
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Richard G. Harper said:
First off, if you have Windows XP you should be posting questions in one of
the many Windows XP newsgroups. This newsgroup supports Vista.

That said, re-read the directions and ensure that you're plugging the
speakers into the correct output port.

Richard G. Harper [MVP Shell/User] (e-mail address removed)
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tasha mccabe said:
i have brought some speakers just to last me till i get a bit more money
i dont know how to install them i have windows xp there is a fuzzy noise
cuming from them when i have head phones in but otherwise nothing they are
only the cheap tesco value speakers but i would like them to work untill i
get new speakers hope you can help me

It's generally going to require that the 1/8 mini-plug be plugged into
the green output jack of the MoBo or soundcard audio. The speakers
may require an external power supply, as in a wall-wart transformer.
You answered the SAME person twice!!!!

David Morgan (MAMS) said:
Richard G. Harper said:
First off, if you have Windows XP you should be posting questions in one of
the many Windows XP newsgroups. This newsgroup supports Vista.

That said, re-read the directions and ensure that you're plugging the
speakers into the correct output port.

Richard G. Harper [MVP Shell/User] (e-mail address removed)
* NEW! Catch my blog ...
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tasha mccabe said:
i have brought some speakers just to last me till i get a bit more money
i dont know how to install them i have windows xp there is a fuzzy noise
cuming from them when i have head phones in but otherwise nothing they are
only the cheap tesco value speakers but i would like them to work untill i
get new speakers hope you can help me

It's generally going to require that the 1/8 mini-plug be plugged into
the green output jack of the MoBo or soundcard audio. The speakers
may require an external power supply, as in a wall-wart transformer.
Mick Murphy said:
You answered the SAME person twice!!!!

And you, meanwhiole, DID NOTHING but open your FOOLISH mouth.

Number one, learn to read. I answered the OP, and I tagged an MVP post.

Number two, learn to keep your mouth shut if you have nothing of value to add.

David B. Morgan (MAMS)
Morgan Audio Media Service
http://www.m-a-m-s DOT com
Dallas, Texas (214) 662-9901

David Morgan (MAMS) said:
Richard G. Harper said:
First off, if you have Windows XP you should be posting questions in one of
the many Windows XP newsgroups. This newsgroup supports Vista.

That said, re-read the directions and ensure that you're plugging the
speakers into the correct output port.

Richard G. Harper [MVP Shell/User] (e-mail address removed)
* NEW! Catch my blog ...
* PLEASE post all messages and replies in the newsgroups
* The Website -
* HELP us help YOU ...

i have brought some speakers just to last me till i get a bit more money
i dont know how to install them i have windows xp there is a fuzzy noise
cuming from them when i have head phones in but otherwise nothing they are
only the cheap tesco value speakers but i would like them to work untill i
get new speakers hope you can help me

It's generally going to require that the 1/8 mini-plug be plugged into
the green output jack of the MoBo or soundcard audio. The speakers
may require an external power supply, as in a wall-wart transformer.