Is it just me, or is this beginning to look like spam? I can't make head
nor tails from the site anyway. Is it freeware?
Unfortunately, it's just a poorly composed website. Not enough
information on the programs and not intuitively navigable.
John said:It looks like most, if not all, that is there is registerware. Perhaps
they are harvesting email address' for spamming at a later date ?
I wouldn't bother wasting my time to find out.
this site is not so easy to navigate. on the top left corner of the page,
theres a hidden navigator menu. i havn't check the tools throughly, but
they all seems to be freewares
Sietse said:Have you looked at their OpDirSF ?
Like I posted yesterday in the thread with subject "xp search/find
replacement", this may be something you want to try.
It might be just what you have been looking for, for a long time:
search (text in) files, *with exlusion* of folders/files.
It is a no-install, single executable.
Settings are stored in an ini file in the program's folder.
It is freeware, not even registerware.
You can *fully optional* leave your e-mail address on the download
page. Some people do find this handy, believe it or not.
And remember, you saw it in a.c.f. first!![]()
John Fitzsimons wrote:
John, why so negative?
Have you looked at their OpDirSF ?
Like I posted yesterday in the thread with subject "xp search/find
replacement", this may be something you want to try.
It might be just what you have been looking for, for a long time:
search (text in) files, *with exlusion* of folders/files.
It is a no-install, single executable.
Settings are stored in an ini file in the program's folder.
It is freeware, not even registerware.
You can *fully optional* leave your e-mail address on the download page.
Some people do find this handy, believe it or not.![]()
And remember, you saw it in a.c.f. first!![]()
John said:Hi Sietse,
Because I have taken a considerable dislike to their site setup ?![]()
Being asked immediately I arrive if I want to download some javascript
sets me up to expect something more than usually irritating/invasive.
Yes, ONLY because you mentioned it and your recommendations are
usually top class !
Well, it certainly has potential. I find however that the lack of a
help file is more than a bit irritating.
Assuming that everyone knows
what things such as "write a Out-File" is NOT helpful IMO. Perhaps it
means "Export the results to a file" ? It's anyone's guess.
Also, saying things like "Configure your prefered Editor" without any
explanation at all as to what that means and/or how to do that serves
to only extend my already very short patience, with that site and it's
programs, past it's limit.
Rather a pity IMO. Better site layout, explanations, help files, no
javascripts etc. and it could be a great freeware place to visit.
I was unable to download without entering an email address. When I
tried it gave me an error saying that no email address had been
I guess you "okayed" the java script ?
Maybe that was an email harvester ?
Alan said:Sietse Fliege wrote:
Thanks for the heads Sieste. My "spam" call was probably incorrect
then? Just the frequency of the postings and the "odd" site
configuration had me a little suspicious.![]()
Sietse said:Well, I am not sure about the spam call.
There are about 9 announcements since May 25, corresponding with 6 new
(versions of) OpTools. That is a bit too many, I think. Technically
the author is not OT, but I guess the common view is that authors
should try and pick up the "feel" for this group. It can be expected
that occasionally there will pop up one who for any of a number of
reasons is the odd one out. That does not necessarily mean he does
not mean well. Maybe he reads this and it "solves" itself.
And apparently I was wrong: providing an email-addie was not optional
(see my other post in this thread). Shrug.
All in all, my attitude is to not be too hard on freeware authors.![]()
John Fitzsimons wrote:
WOW! The smoking gun! The site uses the dreaded javascript!!!!!
Surely it is all but helpful when you want to steer people away from
some site with potentially good freeware, just because it uses js?
I had no problem navigating the site. I have seen much better, sure, but
also worse. Overall: not perfect, but no reason to insult the author.
But even if you enter a real addie : what on earth is the big deal?
If you believe that a freeware author like this one would "harvest
e-mail addies" to sell them, you'll believe anything.
John said:< snip >
Yep. Other sites with javascript don't require me to download
anything. You might be quite happy downloading "scripts" to your PC, I
am not. Many trojans, spyware etc. are executed by downloaded scripts.
99% of the js sites I visit do not require me to download
anything other than that required to render the page(s).
If the author is insulted then he needs to get a thicker skin. After
that he would do well to listen to criticism from visitors and
consider making some changes.
I prefer not to have my email address harvested or to lie to people.
It seems that neither concerns you. That's fine, I am talking for
myself, not you.
Plenty of web sites harvest address'. You have failed to explain why
you know that this site isn't doing the same.
One does not need an email address to record how many downloads occur
on one's site.
As for the "help" issue just because *you* can understand something
well/quickly doesn't mean that everyone else here can. You are
obviously far more competent with computing matters than IMO the
majority of people here.
My comments are often/usually written from the perspective of
"ordinary" internet users. A difference in our outlooks.
Alan said:Sietse Fliege wrote:
<snip excellent content>
Very sane & sensible information Sieste. Hopefully you have dispelled
a few of the myths that browsing anything other than pure HTML from
the early 90s will blow away your hard drive, or vaporize your
database. It just goes to show how much misinformation grows from the
hyped up claims of those (MS bashers) hell bent on trying to cut down
tall poppies. Malicious rumour mongering probably does more damage
than the relatively rare instances of malicious code encountered on
the web.
ozzy said:Unfortunately, I agree with John & he has very VALID concerns.
ActiveScripting (JS) is dangerous. I never enable JS (javascripts)
either. Good coders don't use it as there are much better
alternatives. Over 90% of the pages I visit don't require me to
enable them & those that do I skip with good reason. They are hiding
something. I have been coding over 30 yrs & have seen a lot & know
what I can do with JS, so I am confident others can too. I politely
suggest that you update your JS knowledge. Spammers & hackers have;
so should you.
of these pages are dated (2001 & earlier) & some from regular
business' but it just shows you that everyone else knew of the
dangers since 1996, so my question is WHY DON'T YOU? I would not be
claiming to others (especially newbies) that there are no possible
dangers in JS when there is.
John Fitzsimons wrote:
+++ JS is quite safe, because of its "sandbox" security model.
JS cannot write information to any file on the user's computer (except
to a cookie file).
JS cannot create any files or manipulate or access any program aside
from the browser.
JS can not e.g. delete files or execute viruses or implant trojans.
- Except only maybe when your browser has a JS security hole
(most likely based on a buffer overflow exploit) and you have not
installed the security update that fixes that hole.
+++ I believe that JS exploits are actually quite rare.
Of course, you will encounter malicious stuff on the web only, if ever,
when the site owner has malicious intent.
+++ In my experience freeware authors do not have malicious intent :
- Freeware authors do not include viruses/trojans in their software.
I have installed countless freeware and the worst that I encountered was
confirmed false positives from my av-software.
(An exception was when what were presented as freeware turned out to
be spyware, i.e. when phoning home without consent.
This however sooner rather than later got detected and reported.
So they mostly changed their tactics and now inform you, mostly on
their web site and at least during installation, that e.g. a third
party program is also installed. We then are not talking about
freeware anymore.)
- Freeware authors do not have malicious code in their web pages.
Should you suggest that all freeware sites that use JS are unsafe,
because they may have malicious intent, you would discredit the freeware
world, which does not deserve that.
Should you single out one author's homepage and say that you would not
bother with that site, because it uses JS, you'ld steer people away from
that site, for no good reason at all.
However, there are two ways in which you do insult the author, IMO.
+ When you suggest that you dont trust his JS.
I have explained that in length above.
+ When you suggest that he is harvesting e-mail addresses.
I have explained that in my last post.
So yes, I am concerned about my email address being harvested, but no, I
am not worried about this site.
Second: I lied? I don't understand. Where did I lie?
The author asks: "Your email address?".
The author knows or should know that an email address entered does not
mean at all that any mail sent to that address will be read.
So why does the author require an email address?
I don't know, but he may have several good reasons. To name just one:
Entered email addresses do provide a reasonably accurate counter for
the number of downloads.
I have explained that harvesting addresses in order to sell them makes
only sense when you manage to harvest *hugh* numbers of addresses (which
this site will not manage), 'cause else it would not earn you a cent.
(So he may "harvest" but will not be able to sell.)
And that at the same time his site does not have any of those ads or
popups, etc. that you see on so many sites. Which makes it even more
unlikely that he wants to profit financially from those who download.
John said:Yep, but Alan and Sietse want people to ignore such concerns. Simply
because they are not frequent. Kind of like suggesting that everyone
leave their houses unlocked because robberies are uncommon in their
suburb. No thanks. I prefer to be safer.
I don't think either Alan, or Sietse, are interested in alerting
internet users to potential dangers on the internet via JS. It's far
easier to be critical of people like you, and I, call us "paranoid"
and practice a "head in the sand" approach.
Alan even managed to insert his regular "MS bashers" quote. Even
though nobody here has mentioned MS. I suppose it helps confirm his
adulation of everything Microsoft, but hardly fits in this context.
I don't think either Alan, or Sietse, are interested in alerting
internet users to potential dangers on the internet via JS. It's far
easier to be critical of people like you, and I, call us "paranoid"
and practice a "head in the sand" approach.
Very sane & sensible information. Thank you.![]()
Regards, John.
With eagerness i checked out the following sites
Both sites are similar. Not much here, looks outdated
?? one line about Dangers of JS , for SEO, not for users.
Page doesn't exist.
Talks mostly about the dangers of HTML. This I agree with, even with
JS, web-bugs from spammers can be irriating.
I think the risk is acceptable, if you take some precautions. It's all
about comfortable level. Use a good antivirus , do some http
filtering with proxo , and you should be okay IMHO.
Personally, I was disappointed with the quality of the links.