
I have main form called frm_directions and a sub form embedded called

Here's the problem and I've looked through all the previous topics on here.

When I bring up a customer naturally the subform forms will provide with me
all the information regarding the customer such as visits etc.

When I need to make a new entry I have to scroll all the way down on the sub
form for the next available blank field. Depending on the customer this
could be a little time consuming.

I would like to be able to open a customer record and have the first field
in the sub form be blank so I can add new data without scrolling down the sub
form. Also, I don't want to just automatically have the subform populate the
table with blank data if I don't enter any information in the form i.e. just
looking at customer information.

I'm on the road quite a bit so more then likely I won't get to any responses
for atleast two weeks. So any and all responses are appreciated.



if you want to "start" on the NewRecord line in the subform, but have
existing records available if you should choose to scroll *up*, then
recommend you try adding the following code to the *main* form's Current
event, as

With Me!SubformControlName.Form
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRecordsGoToNew
End With

replace SubformControlName with the correct name of the subform control
(within the main form) that "contains" the subform object. note that
sometimes the subform control has the same name as the subform it contains,
but sometimes it is different.


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