New Question is not being Posted?



I've been posting a few questions and I can not find them, say 30 minutes
When I press "Post", messages indicate it was sent successfully.
How do I find all the questions I Posted?


Jerry Whittle

Hi Ron,

It normally takes a few minutes, but 30 minutes seems rather long.

I clicked on your name where it's in blue. That brought up a window where I
can view your recent posts. That link is near the upper right.

It shows you having 5 posts. One is from yesterday. Then there's this post.

How are you posting: web interface, newsgroup reader, or some other way?


Hi Jerry,
Recently I've entered the communities site from Microsoft Access 2007 Help.
There are links to Other Places to Look. One is "Get answers from other
Office Users".

I put a shortcut to this site on my desktop. When I enter this site,
there's no reference to find my postings. That's where I get stuck. My last
not I put "XYZ" in my message. then I did a find on "XYZ".

For the last week, I've gotten some help from Microsoft Tech folks. When I
tried to ask a new question, I could not get to a posting page. Microsoft
determined that my Google Popup Blocker was causing the problem in Internet
Explorer 7. Their workaround was to Hold down the Ctrl Key while Selecting
"New" / "Question", then I'd get the Posting page.

John W. Vinson/MVP

Recently I've entered the communities site from Microsoft Access 2007 Help.
There are links to Other Places to Look. One is "Get answers from other
Office Users".

That's apparently just another way to get to these newsgroups.

Microsoft's webpage interfaces to the technical support forums are
only one way to get to them, and for many of us, not the best way. I
essentially NEVER use them, either this one or the site; instead I use a Newsreader - Agent, to be
exact - pointed to the news server. You can get
to this newsgroup using Windows Mail or Outlook Express, or you can
purchase (or get for free, with limitations) any of a dozen or so
newsreader programs.

You can also search archives of posts using;
use the Advanced search menu to (say) search microsoft.public.access.*
as the newsgroups, specify a date range, and look for your posting ID.


I can't see how to post a new question
can some one help me
thanks in advance

John W. Vinson/MVP

I can't see how to post a new question
can some one help me
thanks in advance

Which of the many interfaces are you using? How are you getting to the


thanks for your reply.
I go to excel,help,online help,discussion group,click excel, worksheet
I can click the reply button, but the "new" button will not allow me to post
a new question.
I'm wondering if my computer settings need changing ?

John W. Vinson/MVP

thanks for your reply.
I go to excel,help,online help,discussion group,click excel, worksheet
I can click the reply button, but the "new" button will not allow me to post
a new question.
I'm wondering if my computer settings need changing ?

It's not obvious from Microsoft's software - but this forum is NOT
part of Excel. It's actually a "newsgroup" on the internet (the
portion of the internet called USENET if you want to be specific).
There are many many ways to get here.

Actually "here" - where you're now posting - is the Microsoft Access
database software discussion group. The Excel Help is putting you into
Microsoft's news server, but just dropping you in the first
alphabetical group (Access).

I'd suggest either going to the Microsoft Excel webpage:

and (if necessary) look at the other groups accessible using the Excel
choice in the menu to the left; or do what a lot of the volunteers
here do - avoid the webpage interface entirely, and use a Newsreader
such as Outlook Express, Windows Mail, or Agent to connect to the news server and view the messages in text form
without all the hassles of Microsoft's buggy and clunky web interface.


thanks for the advice
God Bless

John W. Vinson/MVP said:
It's not obvious from Microsoft's software - but this forum is NOT
part of Excel. It's actually a "newsgroup" on the internet (the
portion of the internet called USENET if you want to be specific).
There are many many ways to get here.

Actually "here" - where you're now posting - is the Microsoft Access
database software discussion group. The Excel Help is putting you into
Microsoft's news server, but just dropping you in the first
alphabetical group (Access).

I'd suggest either going to the Microsoft Excel webpage:

and (if necessary) look at the other groups accessible using the Excel
choice in the menu to the left; or do what a lot of the volunteers
here do - avoid the webpage interface entirely, and use a Newsreader
such as Outlook Express, Windows Mail, or Agent to connect to the news server and view the messages in text form
without all the hassles of Microsoft's buggy and clunky web interface.

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