New Project as renamed and chaged old one

  • Thread starter Thread starter Evgeny Zoldin
  • Start date Start date

Evgeny Zoldin


I've developed some prjoect ( VB.NET ) , let Project1, and created for that
Setup project, let Setup1. Installed it on a clear mashine - PC1. Then I
decided to develop that futher as another product, let Project2. I've copied
and renamed all project files, project itself, product name, namespaces in
all classes..., copied and renamed Setup1 as Setup2 and adjust new one to
the Project2 and created Installation for that. Setup2 become new Upgrade
and Product codes.

I run Setup2 on the PC1. Setup2 removes completely installation of Project1
from the mashine without any question and installs Project2 in different
Why it happend, but projects have different names, different namespaces,
different installation projects?
I would be thankful for any help


Maybe you have to assign a new Product Code GUID for you new setup project?
Check the properties of your root setup project node.

To get a new GUID: Tools->Create GUID (or just click on ellipsis button
beside current GUID in Product Code property of setup project)

Just a guess,
Thank you for your advice, but they were assigned as new automaticaly when I
changed version of Setup project

It could be the ProjectGUID in the vbProject (.vbproj) file. Whenever you
copy a project and rename it the actual ProjectGUID does not change.

To change the ProjectGUID you can ecit the .vbproj file in your project
folder. Here is a snipit of what this file looks like:

ProjectType = "Local"
ProductVersion = "7.10.3077"
SchemaVersion = "2.0"
ProjectGuid = "{00E782DC-3843-47EB-B48B-E835B7EA4D58}"
When you copy a project and change the names you should ALWAYS set a new
ProjectGUID. If you don't and you try to put the new project into a
solution with the old project, Visual Studio will exhibit very unusual

-Sam Matzen