New Program Installations Freeze

  • Thread starter Thread starter scwood9615
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Most new applications that I try to install through Vista go through the
initial steps of installation, but then when it gets to the point of actually
installing the files and the progress bar displays...nothing happens. The
installation simply freezes. This is not a Vista compatibility issue. This
has happened with many programs that are supposed to be Vista compatible. The
latest example would be the Windows Live Messenger. It goes through the
license agreement part and then when I get to the actual installation part,
it freezes. No progress is ever indicated on the progress bar and nothing
happens. Any clues?

Open the Services component in Administrative Tools.

Make sure that the Windows Installer Service and the Windows Modules
Installer are both enabled and set to either Automatic or Manual, if you
make changes, be sure to start both services and try to install one of the

If this doesn't fix the problem, try using System Restore to go back to a
time before the problem appeared.
Thanks, Ronnie. When I viewd the services I indeed found that Windows
Installer and Windows Modules Installer were not started. I started them and
thought that would solve it. But then I tried to intall Messenger again and
the same thing happened. As for the System Restore option, I don't think
there was ever a point where this was working properly, and even if there
was, when I try to launch the System Restore wizard, nothing happens. When I
retry running it, it says that the wizard is already running, but nothing is

Any other thoughts?
