Please print the WGA report and take it to the repair shop
that installed Windows XP. With a highlighter or red pen,
circle the following:
Genuine Validation Status: Blocked VLK
Windows License Type: Volume
VLKs are blocked by Microsoft at the request of the orginal owner of the key,
possibly because the key was lost, stolen, or misused. Microsoft may block a
key if it notices a pattern of abuse, ie, more installations than the key is good for.
Inform the repair shop you want then to install a "Full Retail"
version of Windows XP, at their expense, and to give you the
new Windows XP CD, Product Key, and Certificate of Authenticity.
If they refuse, report them to:
Microsoft Anti-Piracy Hotline at
(800) RU-LEGIT.
Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows - Shell/User
Enjoy all the benefits of genuine Microsoft software:
| Here is the report.
| As I responded to Jim I bought a new hard drive which I will give to the
| dealer with the laptop to re-install XP and Office. I can use the old hard
| drive in a spare bay to copy over settings and data till the new one is up
| and ruinning properly.
| Then I can re-format it and keep it as a spare drive
| Diagnostic Report (1.5.0540.0):
| -----------------------------------------
| WGA Data-->
| Genuine Validation Status: Blocked VLK
| Windows Product Key: *****-*****-647DF-WXH72-QKY7J
| Windows Product Key Hash: fbabZc/mx9XFjAkjns5Ijite9lE=
| Windows Product ID: 55274-648-8637434-23570
| Windows Product ID Type: 1
| Windows License Type: Volume
| Windows OS version:
| Download Center code: 77K8CJ5
| ID: 097653c0-7c85-4f27-82bd-923d6d3ebb24
| Is Admin: Yes
| AutoDial:
| Registry: 0x0
| WGA Version: Registered, 1.5.540.0
| Signature Type: Microsoft
| Validation Diagnostic:
| System Scan Data-->
| Scan: Complete
| Cryptography: Complete
| Notifications Data-->
| Cached Result: 3
| Cache refresh Interval: 80725 seconds
| Extended notification delay(non-genuine): N/A
| Extended notification delay(un-activated): N/A
| All disabled: N/A
| Reminder reduced: N/A
| File Exists: No
| Version: N/A
| Signatue Type: N/A
| OGA Data-->
| Office Status: 109
| Office Diagnostics:
| Browser Data-->
| Proxy settings: N/A
| User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Win32)
| Default Browser: C:\PROGRA~1\MOZILL~1\FIREFOX.exe
| Download signed ActiveX controls: Prompt
| Download unsigned ActiveX controls: Disabled
| Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins: Allowed
| Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe: Disabled
| Allow scripting of Internet Explorer Webbrowser control: Disabled
| Active scripting: Allowed
| Script ActiveX controls marked as safe for scripting: Allowed
| File Scan Data-->
| Other data-->
| Office Details:
| Computer Corporation</Manufacturer><Model>Latitude C600
| </Model></SYSTEM><BIOS><Manufacturer>Dell Computer
| Corporation</Manufacturer><Version>A23</Version><SMBIOSVersion major="2"
| Standard Time(GMT-05:00)</TimeZone></MachineData>
| <Software><Office><Result>109</Result><Products/></Office></Software></GenuineResults>