new pc, where to buy from?

Nov 10, 2004
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Am looking to get a new PC, but do not want or need, monitor, keyboard etc, just want the tower. I am trying to do it on a bit of a budget, cos last time i went for the usual package deal, thinking after i could have used the old monitor etc.

so any ideas where to buy from. have got Dell at the moment, went on their site, put in what i needed, don't know if i am being niave but i thought it was expensive at £600 plus. didn't think i had gone ott with stuff, but u never know.
i am basically after 200-250 gb, 512mb - 1gb ram, cd/dvd writer, norm graphics card, 5:1 audio.

am i just asking too much wanting this for less than £600, as i am not really sure what i should be paying.

help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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for just the tower that is achieveable, it wont be much of a gamer but its doable

what do you want it for ?
don't need it for mega gaming, more use it for music and video and just the usual, internet etc.
What about buying a motherboard bundle and building it yourself, or find a local pc shop and get them to build one to order?
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i bought an acer aspire e300 from ebuyer for just over £400 and im well chuffed with it, bought an extra 512 stick of ram just to be on the safe side,
Well, from experience the 10 machines we recently bought at work from NSYSONLINE are great. Its a Custom PC company, so if you dont see what you like, just e-mail them. We had to go off spec and they come up with the goods and the quality knocked spots off Dell - mind you thats not hard any more. So try