OK, i'm after a new PC.
Price range from £500 to £1k.
Must be able to handle most tasks & my gaming is minimal.
Large storage for photos etc.
Blue-Ray drive would be prefered if possible (future proofed a bit)?
And a good PC to Crunch with.
And Upgrade voucher to Windows7?
Obviously will not be going with Mesh again!!
Have looked at Novatech & even PCWorld!
Do i go for 32 or 64bit O/S?
Any advice or Guidance most welcome.
Price range from £500 to £1k.
Must be able to handle most tasks & my gaming is minimal.
Large storage for photos etc.
Blue-Ray drive would be prefered if possible (future proofed a bit)?
And a good PC to Crunch with.
And Upgrade voucher to Windows7?
Obviously will not be going with Mesh again!!
Have looked at Novatech & even PCWorld!
Do i go for 32 or 64bit O/S?
Any advice or Guidance most welcome.
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