New Open Office

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Version 3.1 just came out and it's more compatible with MS Office 07
than MS Office 00, XP or 03.

So, Ubuntu will replace Windows and Open Office will replace MS Office.
Well, I guess they still have Zune and the XBox.


FBonWin7RC1x64 said:
You must be one really jealous son of bitch seeing as how you can't stop
spamming, trolling and lying in this Microsoft ng.

Jealous of what, you? LOL! Too funny.
Is that what happens when you're broke, like you apparently are?...LOL!

You really would like that, wouldn't you? Sorry to disappoint you, troll
but I am not broke. I can assure you I am not hurting financially
although it is interesting that you believe in stereotypes. Course with
your limited mental abilities, it's not surprising.

Abeel said:
Meet one of the most important Linux zealots, "toe jam eater" Richard
Stallman ;-)
<Richard Stallman Eats Something From His Foot>

You can't address the issues so, like Frank, you resort to ad hominems.
