A hair-dryer can help then, too.
I was thinking about it but I didnt have one handy. I noticed I
couldnt get it back into any socket since it wouldnt fit with the
lever up and there was no way to put the cpu with the big old hairy
heatsink stuck on it with the lever down.
I start gently prying it with a screw driver between the actual chip
and heatsink. It seemed like it was held in place by epoxy. I thought
for a few moments that maybe Compaq had sone something bizarrely
stupid and used thermal epoxy.
I was also deathly afraid I was going to chip the chip. Not the die
but the actual chip surface where the pins are mounted this time
since I was using the screwdriver as a lever. Actually it was dumb and
the chances you would gouge the heatsink or crack the chip are high.
Luckily with gently soft leverage on all sides it suddenly popped off.
Im having continuing problems with my CHaintech too. CHaintech agreed
to take it back but then once again I thought I figured out what was
wrong and I probably was largely right. My ATI 800XL when I took it
out to check it was completely clogged with dust. There was so much
dust crammed into that narrow space since the heatsink has a cover on
it --- it must have been overheating. After I blew all that junk out
FAR CRY stopped crashing 10-20 times a session.
Since I loathe having to send it back to chaintech and taking several
weeks I dragged my feet and convinced myself all the problems were
gone but its crashing again -- though far far less but on top of that
its giving me the classic data corruption and blue screens. They
generously said they would issue yet another RMA if I took longer than
a month to send it back. I think I will.