New Nvidia Drivers Released

Well, loaded the new drivers for my 8800GTS and I couldn't play CoD2 online, all I got was a white screen.

Re-installed previous drivers game be working ok.

And while I'm bitching, Nvidia boast 'One driver for all video cards' yet when I select 8800 driver, it tells me this driver is exclusive to the 8800 series of cards.

Somebody at Nvidia has been down the pub too long :mad:
Well thats odd Flops. Not sure whats up there....I thought the new drivers are s'posed to be better!

And yep, the 88's have their own drivers, so why they is sayin that i dont know, i thought it was ATI that had driver issues! :p
Reckon there is any point getting new drivers for a 7900gt?

Havn't ever updated them since I got the card to be honest.
You should do really, they have fixes for bugs and sometimes make games run better. :)

On another note, wheres the release notes? :confused:
updating the drivers wont do much for me with my "old" 7900 GT will it?
for the most part i think the latest drivers are for the 8800 series, and for vista
Ah, this thread reminded me, i got the drivers downloaded but forgot all about them!

Alf, you may as well try them mate, you never know. the newer drivers were supposed to improve stalker a little, but still no release notes so i cant say for sure if they do...

I'll install them tonight and see what happens. :)