New Nvidia Beta Drivers


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score

Available from & Nvidia's official site.

Beta drivers, apparently 'a candidate for WHQL certification'

Ok, I thought I'd give 'em a go, loaded, rebooted, fired up Crysis.

Because if anything is going to test new drivers, it will be Crysis. My system specs are in my sig.

All seemed to be ok, excpt maybe for some blurring which wasn't there before when I spun round fast. Which you do tend to do a lot in an fps game ;)

But that passed, and all seemed smooth. About 45 minutes and a few saves into gameplay, I went to pick up a rocket launcher. Was told 'You can only carry one rocket launcher at a time' so scrolled through weapons, no rocket launcher showing.

One weapon scroll slot showed nothing, so I wandered about a bit and soon a distorted view of the rocket launcher showed up but right and left mouse buttons didn't do a thing.

So I uninstalled V169.21, reinstalled V163.75 and loaded up Crysis again. Rocket launcher still missing. I loaded up saved games, working backwards, and Save 09 finally showed the rocket launcher.

Prior to loading the new Nvidia Beta drivers, Save 04 was showing rocket launcher.

Well, that's my experience, but I swear there's something a bit iffy about my system, there really is. It won't run TOCA Race Driver 3 for instance.

My AMD system runs anything I can throw at it, no probs (2.6 single core).

If anybody else has used these new drivers, please let us know how you got on with them.
Was reading about hese earlier, they add support fo the new 8800 GTS 512 G92 that was released today. Seems they dont do much else, in terms of performance, fixes etc.

The blurring you mentioned sounds like post processing is set to high, turn that to medium in the crysis options to kill it. :)

Dont know wtf is up with the rocket launcher thing though!
That rocket launcher issue is a bit strange isn't it! I'm going to give them a go on my system today and see what happens :)
I'm still using V163.75

That issue I had with the rocket launcher after trying the beta version of these drivers - I went back to save game 09 and just played through part of the game again - all was good with the older drivers :confused:

It was around that part of the game just before you go into the mines, going down into the Quarry.