New Network

Sep 17, 2005
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I've finally got round to fixing up my network, so the computer downstairs shall be crunching shortly :D

But I was just wondering how long normal ethernet cables will last outside, as I've had to run a 7/-8 foot stretch down the side of the house.

So yeah. Any ideas?
should be fine for a few years i'd have thought, might be some interference if there are high voltage power lines near by

tbh tho i've no idea, it should be no different to any other cable
Couple of years sounds about right as they are not as sturdy as ordinary electric cables . That round plastic conduit is very cheap and would make for a tidy job . :D
err, sorry PG, but ...

The cable's PVC covering will deteriorate due to UV radiation, humidity and temperature changes outside. It will become brittle and will eventually fail.

Hope you have it properly grounded, or low down, so lightning don't take a fancy to it. ;)

It should last a couple of years though ... Maplin probably do proper external Ethernet cable. I would also go for Cat 6.


Its not grounded no... how would I ground it?

I'll have a look at Maplin then thanks Mucks. I had a quick look yesterday at exterior grade CAT5 cables, but google didn't give me any sellers. I'll have a good look this evening.

What is the difference between CAT5 and CAT6?
PotGuy said:

Its not grounded no... how would I ground it?
Well, it is ... but your PC is providing the ground. oops. :eek:

What is the difference between CAT5 and CAT6?
The Simple Answer:
CAT-5 is rated to 100M
CAT-5e is rated to 350M
CAT-6 and CAT6e is rated to 550M or 1000M depending on your source

Also, Cat-6 has a higher conductor gauge.

Cat-5e will/should be easy to find ... go for that if you can't get the other. :thumb:
