Windows Vista New motherboard with OEM Vista

Aug 12, 2007
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I am about to replace my motherboard which is currently running with an OEM version of XP.
The new motherboard is completely different from the current one and is supplied with an OEM version of Vista.
I want to keep as much of the existing software as possible. ( I realise some will not run under Vista) so do not want to do a new install.
I have read that OEM XP will not run if the motherboard is changed, so how should I install Vista after changing the motherboard without losing all the existing software?
Thanks for your help.
You should, with any new motherboard, do a clean install of any operating system.

That insures you have the correct drivers and none left over from the older hardware which may give conflict.

Now, OEM XP is different from OEM Vista ... you can install XP as many times as you like, however, after 3 or 4, cant remember, you will need to phone Microsoft for a new Key ... no real problem, free 0800 number, but the important bit to say is ... "I changed the hard drive and NO it is the only PC I have". :nod:

If you want the better OS in Vista, you will again need to do a clean install and again will have to reinstall all your software. Compatibility issues are diminishing ... that ain't the fault of MS

Good Luck!
