New Machine Rebuild!


Yank Upstart
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
In the near future, I plan on rebuilding my 'old' computer. The core of the machine is going to be made up of...

CPU - AMD Phenom 965 BE (unreleased)
GPU - Nvidia 380 GTX (unreleased)
Mobo - ?
RAM - ?
HDD - ?

So, was you can tell I'm rather in the early and undecided phase of the rebuild. But i have some choices picked out already, its just I'm not sure what to get just yet. Any help or opinions are aprecieated.

Motherboard choices

> Newegg

Personally I'm looking at the MSI board, mostly because I can place some of THIS memory in it.

Other than that, I'm free on suggestions on Memory and HDDs.

Wait for a price drop before buying and bigger would be better,



Seagate are reported to be launching some ssd's in the autumn aswell so things will be constantly changing.

Ack, I can't really say i want either. I mean - 64GB of HDD for +$200? Seems pretty sparse - for the price of one of those I can get 2x WD Caviar Black HDDs for RAID 0 and still have enough for a 1TB WD Caviar Black for mass storage!

Sorry Abarb, but I'm going to have to revoke your 'Smarter Consumer' award. :D
Alf said:
Ack, I can't really say i want either. I mean - 64GB of HDD for +$200? Seems pretty sparse - for the price of one of those I can get 2x WD Caviar Black HDDs for RAID 0 and still have enough for a 1TB WD Caviar Black for mass storage!

Sorry Abarb, but I'm going to have to revoke your 'Smarter Consumer' award. :D

Hold on a mo there I only said to buy later. An as you can't see into the future you can't make a call like that. Prices may plummet and I may be in for a second award.

In computing, asking to recommend a system for the future is an almost impossible task.

In just a few months we may actually see SSD's almost make mechanical hard drives redundant.

Or we may not - who knows?

They will eventually take over though I feel.

Both the AMD Phenom 965 BE and the Nvidia 380 GTX may be turkeys, we just don't know yet.

The Nvidia 9800 series was a bit of a disappointment when released after all.

If we as computer builders were to always wait for prices to fall before building nothing would ever get built.

Know and realise that whatever you build today when it comes to computers will be outdated tomorrow, that's the way it is.

I would not even try to guess or advise what tomorrow's system will be like - that's impossible, so cannot advise in this thread.

If I were to build a top of the range system now I'd go for an i7-based system, best Nvidia card, 6Gb of DDR3 and the best DFI/Asus motherboard available. With a pair of SSD's in RAID 0 for main disk and a 1Tb (at least) vanilla flavour mechanical drive for storage.

SSD's are the future. When enough people find the price attractive enough to start buying them en masse, the price will fall even further.
Sound advice Flops, but right now I'm just brain storming. I don't have that kinda money for some time, so I'm just daydreaming. :)
Alf said:
Sound advice Flops, but right now I'm just brain storming. I don't have that kinda money for some time, so I'm just daydreaming. :)

Ah ha the good old Vodka Variable plan