Adam A. Wanderer
I received a fairly convincing e-mail this morning from the virus spammer,
seeming to be from my ISP, telling me my account had expired, and asking me
to read an attachment explaining. This is a new method I haven't seen
before. My Norton AV did catch it. But, this does show how determined the
writer is, and just how far he/she is willing to go; this took a lot of
time, energy and imagination. Bottom line, this thing isn't going to stop
on it's own. Until this person or these people are caught, our e-mail boxes
are going to be almost useless.
Does anyone know if anything is being done to track down these SOBs?
seeming to be from my ISP, telling me my account had expired, and asking me
to read an attachment explaining. This is a new method I haven't seen
before. My Norton AV did catch it. But, this does show how determined the
writer is, and just how far he/she is willing to go; this took a lot of
time, energy and imagination. Bottom line, this thing isn't going to stop
on it's own. Until this person or these people are caught, our e-mail boxes
are going to be almost useless.
Does anyone know if anything is being done to track down these SOBs?