new laptop

  • Thread starter Thread starter Curt Christianson
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Curt Christianson

Hi Geoff,

Your question is way too vague to give a response to.

What specs. are you particularly interested in? Probably more important,
tell us what you want to use this new computer for. Gaming? Mostly web
surfing and e-mail? Manipulating audio or video files? You get the picture.


Windows Support Center
Practically Nerded,...

| Hi,
| Could anyone explain to me what the average laptop spec that you would
| in PC World actually means, so that I can make a better decision as to
| I should buy?
| Thanks.
Could anyone explain to me what the average laptop spec that you would find
in PC World actually means, so that I can make a better decision as to what
I should buy?

I don't read PC World, so can't comment on what it says there, but to
decide what to buy, please tell us two kinds of things:

1. What you want to use the laptop for. What applications? Where will
you use it? How will you transport it? By car? Airplanes, etc.

2. Exactly which are the various specifications you are seeing, and
what don't you understand?

For example, I use my laptop primarily for travel to distant places by
airplane. I carry it around in airports, so size and particularly
weight are very important to me. While traveling, I use it primarily
for E-mail and web site access, so I don't need very high performance.
Could anyone explain to me what the average laptop spec that you would find
in PC World actually means, so that I can make a better decision as to what
I should buy?
You should get one that automatically adjusts the time and timezone so
that it doesn't post in the future.

OK. I need a laptop for running usual email & internet, but I specifically
need it to run a program called Sibelius 5. The website for this software
says minimum requirements are:
Windows XP SP2 or Vista, 1GB RAM, 3.5GB hard disc space, DVD ROM,
ASIO-compatible sound card.

I'm having trouble finding a laptop that has these things.
OK. I need a laptop for running usual email & internet, but I specifically
need it to run a program called Sibelius 5.

I know nothing about that program, but see below:

The website for this software
says minimum requirements are:
Windows XP SP2 or Vista,

Except for a Macintosh, just about every laptop on the market today
will come with one of these. Most will come with Vista.

That's a weird number, and a very broad one. Vista uses a lot more
RAM than XP so a Vista machine with 1GM has a lot less RAM available
for the application than an XP one.

Nevertheless, assuming you get a Vista machine, you should have a
minimum of 1GB anyway, and it certainly isn't hard to find one with

3.5GB hard disc space,

That's a minimum of 3.5GB. *Every* laptop sold has much more than that

Again, almost every laptop you find will have that. But check the
specs to be sure.

ASIO-compatible sound card.

That's the only potential issue I can see. I'm not very familiar with
ASIO, but I *think* almost all sound cards are compatible with that.
But when you find a laptop that otherwise seems satisfactory, why not
just call the vendor to make sure?

I'm having trouble finding a laptop that has these things.

Everything except the ASIO compatibility is very easy, and as I said,
almost every laptop will have what you need. The only question in my
mind is ASIO compatibility, and you should be able to ascertain that
with a quick phone call.
| OK. I need a laptop for running usual email & internet, but I specifically
| need it to run a program called Sibelius 5. The website for this software
| says minimum requirements are:
| Windows XP SP2 or Vista, 1GB RAM, 3.5GB hard disc space, DVD ROM,
| ASIO-compatible sound card.
| I'm having trouble finding a laptop that has these things.
| Geoff.

Now you are giving sufficient information to get possible useful answers.

A good starting point for choosing any computer is the MAJOR programs you
will run. I take it that Sibelius 5 is a music composition program that can
produce sound files and use sound banks for musical voices. Almost ANY
notebook computer bought new today will meet all the minimum technical
specifications you list, EXCEPT that notebook computers are not notable for
audio out and audio in quality (signal to noise ratio, linearity, channels
more than two.)

To extend the useful life of your new notebook, and to be prepared for
updates to your composition program, it would be wise to select a notebook
computer that has considerable higher than the minimum requirements.

The best advice would be from someone who is already using the composition
program with a new notebook. However, my suggestion would be to 'roll your
own' at Dell.

Suggested notebook with added features that are above the minimum

Dell Inspiron 1520 (15.4" screen)

* DVD +/- R/W (can record ten times the music per disk as DVD - a DVD ROM
device is probably not available on any notebooks today, and doesn't have
record capability

* 2 GBytes of RAM (for larger sound banks in memory, larger and more
audio loops for editing, future expansion) + $125 UUS

* Intel Core 2 Duo dual core processor (ability of doing more functions a
the same time, handles more complex audio tasks, 2 GHz CPU speed
recommended) + $125 US

* Possibly a high resolution screen to give you more display space for
larger scores and plug-in units like mixers, previews, loop editing
[Standard resolution for the Inspiron 1520 is 1280 X 800 pixels, 1680 X 1050
is the highest resolution available, and can easily display two typewritten
pages side by side

* High capacity battery if operation away from the mains is important +
$50 US

* 160 GByte hard drive (just so you won't run out of storage space (I
have 30 GBytes of .wma files on my Dell Inspiron 1520)

* CD/DVD +/- RW drive (so you can record LOTS of music) + $40 US

* Wireless LAN

* Bluetooth built-in (cheap [$20 US], enables wireless earphones, mouse,
and keyboards, doesn't take up the Express Card slot)

* Express Card SoundBlaster X-FI Audio + $75 US

# You may want to consider a 8400M GS internal display card to leave more
CPU power for audio tasks and to give a better experience with Vista

# It might be a good idea for you to select the extended warranty (3years
in home service) + $190

# Theft and accident insurance floater ~ $60 US per year when added to
other property coverage

The selections marked with a * bring the Inspiron 1520 up to US $1450, the
minimum configuration Inspiron is US $799 and still surpasses the list you

What you spend depends whether the system helps produce and income, your
pocket book, and enthusiasm.

Even if you don't go with a Dell, use the website to get an idea of what is
available and what the costs are, then compare with the offerings from other

I am pleased with the Dell Inspiron 1520 I received two weeks ago. It has
much the same options as I described above, except I chose the most powerful
graphics option, and did not get the Express Card audio option, something I
will probably add. Evidently the newly offered Inspiron 1520 system is a
success - when I ordered my system six weeks ago, the price was under US
$1500, since then a similarly option Inspiron notebook has risen to US

Finally, depending on your audio requirements, you could choose a completely
outboard audio I/O device that removes all the limitations of notebook
sound, connects to the notebook via USB, and that provides MIDI IN/OUT.

Good luck.

Phil Weldon

| OK. I need a laptop for running usual email & internet, but I specifically
| need it to run a program called Sibelius 5. The website for this software
| says minimum requirements are:
| Windows XP SP2 or Vista, 1GB RAM, 3.5GB hard disc space, DVD ROM,
| ASIO-compatible sound card.
| I'm having trouble finding a laptop that has these things.
| Geoff.
| | > Hi Geoff,
| >
| > Your question is way too vague to give a response to.
| >
| > What specs. are you particularly interested in? Probably more
| > tell us what you want to use this new computer for. Gaming? Mostly web
| > surfing and e-mail? Manipulating audio or video files? You get the
| > picture.
| >
| > --
| > HTH,
| > Curt
| >
| > Windows Support Center
| >
| > Practically Nerded,...
| >
| >
| > | > | Hi,
| > | Could anyone explain to me what the average laptop spec that you would
| > find
| > | in PC World actually means, so that I can make a better decision as to
| > what
| > | I should buy?
| > | Thanks.
| > |
| > |
| >
| >
When you look at specs, you are expected to either know or
Windows XP SP2 or VISTA, these are the operating systems and
ALL laptops sold by all major makers will have one or the
1 GB RAM, this is the random access memory that the computer
uses to run the program. I would suggest you get 2 GB,
VISTA, the current production operating system will be

The Sibelius 5 program needs 3.5 GB of free space on the
hard drive to run/install, the hard drive you get should be
80-300 GB 7200 rpm so you have room for a working computer.

DVD -ROM New software and games/movies all use DVD and ROM
means it will read disks only. You need to get a DVD-dual
layer RW drive that can read and write DVD and CDs too.

Sound is not as critical as video, get a SoundBlaster
compatible sound card, which may or may not be standard.

Get an upgraded video card with support for an external
monitor [DVI is best] and dedicated graphics memory.

Expect to pay $1,200-2,000 US for a good gaming laptop

message | OK. I need a laptop for running usual email & internet,
but I specifically
| need it to run a program called Sibelius 5. The website
for this software
| says minimum requirements are:
| Windows XP SP2 or Vista, 1GB RAM, 3.5GB hard disc space,
| ASIO-compatible sound card.
| I'm having trouble finding a laptop that has these things.
| Geoff.
in message
| | > Hi Geoff,
| >
| > Your question is way too vague to give a response to.
| >
| > What specs. are you particularly interested in?
Probably more important,
| > tell us what you want to use this new computer for.
Gaming? Mostly web
| > surfing and e-mail? Manipulating audio or video files?
You get the
| > picture.
| >
| > --
| > HTH,
| > Curt
| >
| > Windows Support Center
| >
| > Practically Nerded,...
| >
| >
| > | > | Hi,
| > | Could anyone explain to me what the average laptop
spec that you would
| > find
| > | in PC World actually means, so that I can make a
better decision as to
| > what
| > | I should buy?
| > | Thanks.
| > |
| > |
| >
| >
You have been given advice re general specs..

Re ASIO (Audio Streaming Input Output), Windows does not natively support
it, but there is a fix, albeit in Beta.. click on the link for more info and
the download required..

Geoff A. said:
Could anyone explain to me what the average laptop spec that you would
find in PC World actually means, so that I can make a better decision as
to what I should buy?


Mike Hall
MS MVP Windows Shell/User