New Job & Sony Vaio!

Mar 5, 2004
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Hey all,

Thought I would combine my thread! :-)

I've just got the job I wanted in Sydney! I start on the 22nd of June and can't wait.

Also, because I've got a job I want to get a new laptop and want a Sony Vaio. Has anyone bought one of these recently that would recommend? They have SO MANY models it's hard to know where to start!!

Great news. Don't forget to pack the sun tan oil.
bodhi said:
Hey all,

Thought I would combine my thread! :-)

I've just got the job I wanted in Sydney! I start on the 22nd of June and can't wait.

Also, because I've got a job I want to get a new laptop and want a Sony Vaio. Has anyone bought one of these recently that would recommend? They have SO MANY models it's hard to know where to start!!


Hey mate..
ongratultations on the new job..What are you going to be doing..? Oh and I thought you were traveling..? Probs me just not reading your posts properly...Anyway my other half just bought this recently..Its a peretty good al rounder, plays a good few games etc, she uses it mostly for Photoshop, that sort of stuff..Was a bit pricey at £1500, but once you get working on it, its wellworth it. Or so she says. Personaly I would have bilt meown PC for less, but as she uses hers fopr work etc, she needed alaptop..I'm sure with a bit of hunting around, you could get it much cheaper. I have a few mates in Sydney that run various Coputer shops, so could always have a word with them and see where they say is best to buy from..Will let you know...:thumb:
I'll be working for a consultancy doing IT Project Management and Business Analyst work. It's what I was doing at home, but this time I'll be doing it for a consultancy so working for clients etc. Will be gold on my CV so looking forward to it.

It's pretty expensive for stuff like laptops over here, so was thinking I might buy it from Amazon in the UK and get my mum to ship it out here! lol.

The one you linked to Madx looks cool, but I'm looking for a small one, maybe a 13.3" screen or something. I want it to be pretty portable. I'll probably also build a desktop when I get settled somewhere.