I've searched for this basic info, but surprisingly haven't come
up with anything. Given all the software components involved
with a new installation or fresh reinstallation of Windows, is
there a "best" order? This is how I've been doing it:
Windows OS (with 3rd-party disk driver(s) if needed)
Latest service pack
Latest chipset drivers (if needed)
Latest I/O card + onboard device drivers
Windows Update (MS security and other updates)
MS-Office and other major applications
App service packs/patches/etc.
up with anything. Given all the software components involved
with a new installation or fresh reinstallation of Windows, is
there a "best" order? This is how I've been doing it:
Windows OS (with 3rd-party disk driver(s) if needed)
Latest service pack
Latest chipset drivers (if needed)
Latest I/O card + onboard device drivers
Windows Update (MS security and other updates)
MS-Office and other major applications
App service packs/patches/etc.