Nathalie Hébert
I just bought a new computer with Wiundow Vista.
I wouls like to use the Window Mail.
When I try to connect I got the following repsonse:
Échec de la connexion au serveur. Compte : '995', Serveur : '995',
Protocole : POP3, Port : 110, Sécurisé (SSL) : Non, Erreur de socket :
10061, Numéro d'erreur : 0x800CCC0E
Is someone can help me to foind out the right procedure to set up my Window
mail with my Yahoo email address
Many Thanks
(e-mail address removed)
I just bought a new computer with Wiundow Vista.
I wouls like to use the Window Mail.
When I try to connect I got the following repsonse:
Échec de la connexion au serveur. Compte : '995', Serveur : '995',
Protocole : POP3, Port : 110, Sécurisé (SSL) : Non, Erreur de socket :
10061, Numéro d'erreur : 0x800CCC0E
Is someone can help me to foind out the right procedure to set up my Window
mail with my Yahoo email address
Many Thanks
(e-mail address removed)