Arthur Entlich
The words 'slow' and 'inkjet' may soon not have the same affinity that
have for years now. A company called memjet, has announced they have
developed a series of inkjet heads which literally fit across the area
normally traversed by the head carriage movement.
The head therefore will no longer need to move. Memjet indicates they
have no interest in making inkjet printers and hope to sell this unique
head design to the majors for them to incorporate in their printer models.
To read all about this new product, check the following urls:
have for years now. A company called memjet, has announced they have
developed a series of inkjet heads which literally fit across the area
normally traversed by the head carriage movement.
The head therefore will no longer need to move. Memjet indicates they
have no interest in making inkjet printers and hope to sell this unique
head design to the majors for them to incorporate in their printer models.
To read all about this new product, check the following urls: