New hdd problems

Feb 18, 2006
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hey, i just installed a new hard drive on my computer, and i am using xp profesional as my OS. after intalling i attempted to log onto te internet and was unsuccesfull. i foun that my ethernet controller was nnot updated. so i went to a web site and got the file to update it(Broadcom 440x Dirver) and i htink if i can get it installed i can have my internet up and running. But when i go to install it it says installsield is out of date. so i went to the website and fllowed the instructions to update it. this did not work it kept saying insall shield is out of date. I also rcieve a error -1630 after th message.
if anone can tell me how to update installsheld succesfully, or just another way to install th ethernet driver all together please help. Thank you
I can't find anything on error 1630 on the net, but I may have an idea to get round it. If you have WinRAR or WinZIP installed they can often extract compressed install files without using an installer - it means you would have to update the drivers manually, but it should work for you.
if u know what the ethernet driver is

why not go 'advanced'
and install the driver MANUALLY

this will do it :)
ill let someone very smart on here to explain how to do this.......

we all wait in suspense!
thanks for the help guys, but i need someone to tell me how to install manually, how do i do that all i know how to do is click onit and that just starts up installshield.
Did you download these Windows XP (32bit) Drivers ?

You do not need WinZIP or WinRAR ... or at least you shouldn't, XP has it's own extractor, just right-click and extract.

Did you follow these instructions ...

  1. Right-click My Computer and go to Properties.
  2. Select the Device Manager tab and expand Network Adapters.
  3. Double-click the Broadcom adapter.
  4. Select the Driver tab.
  5. Select Update Driver, and specify the location of the new driver.

Try following thies instructions and you shouldn't get the error code ...
ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE 1630 Data of this type is not supported

Thanks for the help guys imabout to try out ur ideas, and yes ian it is xp, but when i installed i didnt have my ethernet cable plugged in, do uthink that is why it connot dectect it. Do think sine i did have it plugged in that it did not update automatically?
ALso when u say to specify the location ofhe driver, i do that and it says it cannot be reached, but i dont know if i am tping in the location correctly. i downloaded it onto a cd and inserted it into my comp. it is in drive E: and the file name is R85255. if anyone can tel me how to type in the location of that then i migtht be able to solve the problem. Also, referring to my post above this one. If i re-installed xp with my ethenet cord plugged in do u hink it would detect it and update this stuff automatically so i woulbe able to get online without have to do all this.