new hardware want to install after SP2 install



I have helped a lady to install SP2 for her. Now after a couple of days, when
she logon windows is detecting a new hardware to install named Win XP Promise
Fast trak 376 Controller. Where is that coming from, nothing has been added
as hardware on this computer? And what does that do?
XP home , Office 97

any or all responses are gratefully accepted and thank you for your time

Running Compaq P3, 500Mhz
WIN XP home, Office 97
Dialup (no choice here)


try going to the device manager and seeing if it reports an error
there. if it does you can try these things, use the rollback driver
featue, under the drivers tab. or you can go to the promise website and
see if there is a driver update there, I looked briefly but did not
find anything for a Fasttrak 376. Also in the general tab of the
controller see what the location is.

Mike Hall \(MS-MVP\)

A visit to the Compaq support site may well reveal SP2 compatible drivers
for this device, and at worst give you access to Compaq support who may well
be able to advise better on the nuances of their systems..

Richard Urban

Hardware drivers that were installed are now not compatible with SP2. Go get
the compatible drivers from the computer manufacturer.


Richard Urban

aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard :)

If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!

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