Hey all..
running xpPro and bought a new HP 24" monitor, which I installed properly
using the supplied disk from HP.
It looks great...but every time I reboot I get that dang New Hardware Found
dialog which pops open the installe wizard...and I dont' need to install.
Have already gone all the way thru same a few times installing it again and
then I tried the checkbox with the "dont ask me again" answer.
No avial. Everytime I reboot, I get the same stupid dialog...
Can someone point me at a fix?

PS the gamma on this HP monitor is terrific!!!
running xpPro and bought a new HP 24" monitor, which I installed properly
using the supplied disk from HP.
It looks great...but every time I reboot I get that dang New Hardware Found
dialog which pops open the installe wizard...and I dont' need to install.
Have already gone all the way thru same a few times installing it again and
then I tried the checkbox with the "dont ask me again" answer.
No avial. Everytime I reboot, I get the same stupid dialog...
Can someone point me at a fix?

PS the gamma on this HP monitor is terrific!!!