I recently upgraded to XP home, installed svc pack 1 and added a Plextor dvd-r (F. I have a 20 GB Msxtor drive 0 (divided about equal into C: and E and a 60 GB Maxtor drive 1 (D on a 1.4 AMD athlon with Award bios 6.00. I added the Roxio Easy cd creator 6.11 and it defalted onto C:. When I try to use the program I keep getting 'not enough memory' msgs. So I bought a WD 120 GB and wanted to replace the 20 GB and do a clean install. I have very limited knowledge and I have tried to follow all the info from this site but when I try a cd boot from the Plextor I just have a blank screen. I also have a Hitachi CD-R (G(which I haven't tried to boot from). Is there some reason I can't use the 120 and I guess I should change everything to the ntsf instead of fat32? I would appreciate any guidance.