I have a PC I got around 1997. It has a 133mhz pentium classic and
Windows 98. The hard drives in it are from between 1994 to 1997 (Maxtor
& Quantum). I think they are AT drives, using the IDE interface.
Sometimes they have difficulty starting back up after they shut down,
so I need to get a new hard drive finally. I'm thinking of getting a
"Western Digital WD 80 7200 internal." Would that work in my system?
Windows 98. The hard drives in it are from between 1994 to 1997 (Maxtor
& Quantum). I think they are AT drives, using the IDE interface.
Sometimes they have difficulty starting back up after they shut down,
so I need to get a new hard drive finally. I'm thinking of getting a
"Western Digital WD 80 7200 internal." Would that work in my system?