Hi aalaan,
There are presently 23 MS Word newsgroups hosted on the MS servers.
You can access the full listing from these links
MS Office Community discussion/newsgroups via Web Browser
Microsoft hosted newsgroups via Outlook Express/newsreader
The Templates section of the MS Office 2007 preview site (viewable if you don't have Office 2007 by installing the Microsoft ActiveX
control below) uses the first link above to lead you back to your choice of groups <g>.
Perhaps a template sharing group along the lines of the clipart and stationery groups might be useful, if it's easy enough to get
to. Once you've loaded the activeX control or installed the Beta of Office 2007 you can use the 'send us feedback' link on the top
of the Templates tab on the Preview website (
http://officebeta.iponet.net) to suggest that they setup an Office.templates group.
One of the issues is that many people seem to expect that there will be a ready to go template for everything from complex court
orders to a school absence excuse, including "mom's signature" and may be disappointed in those quests
A new feature of the updated site is the ability for customers to upload and share templates on the Template tab of the OfficeOnline
preview site.
Just a thought. Many of the questions on here are technical and to do
with various Word problems, but many are simply seeking the source of
'templates' by which the posters mean documents arranged to do a certain
job, like a business letter or a CV or somesuch. Would it be a good
idea to have such questions, which are often not really technical in
nature but more about document design, in a separate newsgroup? What
think the regulars? >>
I hope this helped you,
Bob Buckland ?
MS Office system products MVP
LINKS for the 2007 Office System
1. Read about it, try it, or watch the movie
the 2007 Microsoft Office system iinfo is at
2. Already have 2007 Office System Beta 2?
Send Microsoft your feedback (with pictures)
3. Use the 2007 OfficeOnline website without Office2007
a. Install the ActiveX access control
b. then visit