New graphics card

Nov 18, 2003
Reaction score
I have deided it is time for a long-overdue upgrade.
My current spec is

Dell 8300 P4 2.8
Radeon 9800 (non-Pro)

I am wanting a little more 'oomph' from my ageing old faithfull, especially when it comes to games (current faves are Brothers in Arms, and I'm still meaning to finish HL2 and Doom3).

Any ideas on a new graphics card?

Thanks in advance!!!
If a 9800 aint cutting it, I dont know if a 6600GT will offer enough of an increase. Try adding more memory, definately. The prices of the 6800 have come down a lot in the last week, try scouting prices for them or maybe the X800

Well, I kind of took your advice guys....bought more memory (got 1.5 gig now) and things certainly seem better. I think I can happily hold off buying the new card for a while longer. Result? One happy chappy, and one happy missus!
nice to hear :) ... if you want some more gfx power... get a 9800 pro :) ... or a 6600gt :p

and a 6600gt will give a quite a big increase from your current card, even a pro version will :)