Would the following card offer significantly better 3D gaming performance
than my current 64MB Radeon 8500?
Its an ATI Radeon 9250 256MB clocked at core-240MHz and memory 2x200MHz. 4
Pixel shader pipelines.
No, you need at least a mid-level card for a reasonably
better 3D gaming performance level.
A popular choice is Geforce 6600GT, available for about $120
after rebates often.
I'd have to completely disagree with Paul, there is no
chance at all that it would run same speed, let alone slower
than your present card at any remotely modern game operating
with a fair amount of textures, 3D, etc (typical game).
I've been down that road, tried playing modern games on a
lark with Radeon 8500, Geforce 3, Integrated GF4MX (nForce2
IGP overclocked) and they're nowhere near as fast on even a
system a little less endowed than a XP2400 w/1.5GB memory.
Secondly, would my motherboard be able to support this card. The card says
it supports AGP 8x, but I recently discovered that my board only does AGP
yes, your board will run it in 4X mode which is fine.
Didn't you ask this question previously?
My system is Soltek SL75-DRV5 (KT333 chipset) with Athlon 2400+ with 1.5GB
Any other GFX suggestions for around the £30-£40 mark.
There is nothing worth the bother at that price-point.
The key to getting a video upgrade is you have to spend a
certain amount just to get above that "entry-level" hump.
That hump is around $50 USD, but just a few dozen $ more and
you barely get anything but more memory. Point being, the
next few dozen dollars is a gain performance advance in your
case, a 600GT is likely at least 2-3X faster than Radeon
9250, making quite a few games playable, though you still
won't be able to crank up all the eye candy and play at
1600x1200, as that's why the $300, $500, $700 cards exist.
The absolute slowest card I'd even consider in your place
would be a Geforce FX5700 (not LE, regular or GT version
instead) or Radeon 9600XT. While it's a gamble, if you need
to make this cost the least amount possible you might try
ebay or some online forums' for-sale sections or at least
keep an eye out for sales/discounts/rebates/etc, as the
price of lower-end cards can change quite a bit.
Neither of the above cards are going to be all that great
though, generally speaking you'd be limited to 1024x768
resolution, only median detail levels and limited ansio
filtering or FSAA. A deal on a 6600GT is your best bet.