New Gamer

  • Thread starter Thread starter Scott
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Hi there.

I've just recently gotten into gaming after rebuilding my
system to be a lovely spec. and I'm wondering what would
be the best gfx card to have for playing unreal 2 ut2003
and RON. I currently have an Nvidia GForce2 64MB DDR. any
suggestions that won't run me 300 bucks?

Scott/Canadian btw
Hi Scott,

Personal choice: I once surveyed some very hard core gamers
about this and the G4Ti line of cards came out the overall winners.

As a result, I bought the G4Ti4200 64 MB for 200$ CDN from
an out of province online retailer and haven't had any problems.
(Out of province = No provincial sales tax btw). HTH! ;-)

Jimmy S.

Additional Support Resources: My Helpsite:
Microsoft Online Tech Support:
Game FAQ's:;[LN];gms
My advice is donated "AS IS" without warranty; nor do I confer any rights.

| Hi there.
| I've just recently gotten into gaming after rebuilding my
| system to be a lovely spec. and I'm wondering what would
| be the best gfx card to have for playing unreal 2 ut2003
| and RON. I currently have an Nvidia GForce2 64MB DDR. any
| suggestions that won't run me 300 bucks?
| Scott/Canadian btw
I agree. I would go with the 128 MB flavor though.

This one is nice...(only 150 bucks at

ASUS V9280TD Geforce4 Ti4200 128MB 128 bit AGP 8X TV-OUT &
Chipset: Nvidia Geforce4 TI-4200 AGP8X
Memory: 128MB DDR
Res: Max 2048 x 1536 at 75Hz (32bpp)
256-bit GeForce4 Ti (250MHz clock)
AGP 8X with Fast Writes and Texturing support
Engine Clock 250MHz
Memory Clock 512MHz(256MHz DDR)
Vertical Refresh Rate 60-240 Hz
User's manual Driver CD ROM and DVD2000 Software included