[NEW] FreeQueryBuilder

  • Thread starter Thread starter Nickyb
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hi, at http://nickyb.interfree.it is now available my program!!!

- helps you to write your sql-query in graphical mode.
- written in pure java (JDK 1.3 or higher)
- is licensed under the GPL (see COPYING for details).

pleas send me any questions or suggestions!!! ;)
hi, at http://nickyb.interfree.it is now available my program!!!
- helps you to write your sql-query in graphical mode.
- written in pure java (JDK 1.3 or higher)
- is licensed under the GPL (see COPYING for details).
pleas send me any questions or suggestions!!! ;)

Wow ! That looks pretty impressive for a 0.02 release ! A few quick
questions :

Will it work from a MySQL database file ?

Can it create web pages with the query syntax included ?

Can it work on a '98 system with MySQL and localhost ?

Regards, John.

,-._|\ (A.C.F FAQ) http://clients.net2000.com.au/~johnf/faq.html
/ Oz \ John Fitzsimons - Melbourne, Australia.
\_,--.x/ http://www.vicnet.net.au/~johnf/welcome.htm
v http://clients.net2000.com.au/~johnf/
hi, at http://nickyb.interfree.it is now available my program!!!

- helps you to write your sql-query in graphical mode.
- written in pure java (JDK 1.3 or higher)
- is licensed under the GPL (see COPYING for details).

I see it runs against SQLServer using JDBC from the screenshot. Will
it run against Oracle, MySQL and PostgreSQL? Any of the other "Big
Boys" like SAP or CA's Ingres?

You need to put some specs up on that Web page - the screenshot is
pretty but it doesn't tell much.

I'm using SQLTools right now which is not graphical, but works well
with the Oracle database at work - only problem is the more advanced
features have virtually no documentation.
Will it work from a MySQL database file ?
I have never used FQB with MySQL, but I think ther's no problem, I will
make a test and then I make you know
Can it create web pages with the query syntax included ?
what you want to say ?
Can it work on a '98 system with MySQL and localhost ?
....I have tested it with SQLServer on a '98 system
Regards, John.
I see it runs against SQLServer using JDBC from the screenshot. Will
it run against Oracle, MySQL and PostgreSQL? Any of the other "Big
Boys" like SAP or CA's Ingres?

I have tested FQB on W2000 and W98 with Oracle and SQLServer and it
works fine...
You need to put some specs up on that Web page - the screenshot is
pretty but it doesn't tell much.

it will be a job that I will do ;)

I have never used FQB with MySQL, but I think ther's no problem, I will
make a test and then I make you know

Good. I look forward to your report.
what you want to say ?

< snip >

If it can query a database on my PC I was wondering how hard it would
be to query a database on a UNIX host. Can it do that ? If so then
does the code need to be cut and pasted to a web page or is there an
easier/quicker way to do things with your program ?

Regards, John.