New fish discovered at 27,000 FT

When I read the heading for this thread I thought it was 27,000 feet UP. :o

It's amazing how life seems to exist just about everywhere on this planet of ours. :)
Similar headline from the Westminster Borough News, circa 2003:

'New species of crab discovered in Marylebone Karzi'

The story detailed how Norbert M. Brushworthy, the resident convenience attendant, spotted the plucky little human lice scaling the cubicle wall in a gallant attempt to reach the overhead cistern.

Charlie the crab (as he was later named) never made it though as Norbert crushed him with his finger nail.

Scientists later examined Charlie in nearby laboratories and ventured the opinion that Charlie 'Probably originated in the Ukraine' but added it was difficult to prove as all they were presented with to study was a paste after Charlie underwent Norbert's nifty fingernail work.

The planet Mars has been dead for billions of years,over that time the rocks exposed to the solar winds,radiation and the planets own weather systems could,over billions of years,create weird looking objects. Dosen`t mean that the planet had advanced live forms.
If there was an inteligent life why didn`t they get off the planet when they could?