I'm just curious. What did you do that aroused that ****chop Butts?
Aside, pr0n is OK, imho. I watch it all the time.
He was stealing code from MVP's and others and changing the credits
lines and then passing it off as His works. When he got busted for it
and then banned in the MS groups, and when he was exposed by a couple
vendors that posted he was not an approved mirror (which he claimed he
was), he went on this porno kick and started spreading crap. I had never
actually been in this specific group (24Hoursupport.HelpDesk) until I
learned he was talking trash about me here.
It was funny to watch the one author put bits of code in the scripts
that didn't relate to anything and then have them appear in butt's
stolen code.... After being exposed many times he started passwording
the stolen code he was passing off as his own, but he still provided the
password to people that were tracking his BS, and the tracking snipped
still appeared in his pirated code....
He's been reported, and the case has been well documented many times,
but the hosting company he uses seems to be immune to following US Laws
concerning Piracy or Porn (which he steals from others also).
After valid complaints where filed he even registered a website in my
honor, and he calls me obsessed
As long as he keeps including my name in his posts I'll keep defending
myself as I see fit, and until the site about me comes down I'm obliged
to warn people about him and his unethical actions.
Oh, and when the MVP's put his sites in their HOST file he retaliated
and edited the script to block all of the peoples sites that have
reported him for piracy. As best I can tell, since I don't look for him,
I've had at least 37 different people email me about his antics and
Leythos - (e-mail address removed) (remove 999 to email me)
Fight exposing kids to porn, complain about sites like PCBUTTS1.COM that
create filth and put it on the web for any kid to see: Just take a look
at some of the FILTH he's created and put on his website:
http://forums.speedguide.net/archive/index.php/t-223485.html all exposed
to children (the link I've include does not directly display his filth).
You can find the same information by googling for 'PCBUTTS1' and
'exposed to kids'.