Lee said:
Excellent OpenGL / Direct3D accelerated engine for Doom2, Hexen, Heretic
If you have ME and wish you could still kill time playing Doom, Doom2,
Hexen, Heretic etc., this is an excellent ongoing development Win32
port of those games. MUCH better graphics if you have a reasonably
capable graphics card. From the F.A.Q. are the following system
"The minimum system requirements of the Doomsday Engine are:
* Pentium 166
* 3dfx Voodoo 1
* 64 MB RAM
That is the configuration I started this project on. It'll most likely
choke with the recent enhancements like 3D models and dynamic lights,
though. I estimate that for unoptimized beta releases the minimum
could be something like a PII/266."
Frankly though, that portion of the F.A.Q. is quite old since the 3D
models and dynamic lights have been around for a while. Most likely
the requirements may be a bit higher by now.