new datatble help

  • Thread starter Thread starter Margaret
  • Start date Start date


Hello: I am working on a new table, I am relatively new at
I am entering the field names
Example: First Field Name [BRAND]-text-field size 10.
Second Field Name [MODEL]-This is where I am stuck
because, this field has letters and numbers, for
example HardRock, R500, MZ ROAD, F400; How would I
define this field.
And how do I decide the field widths for my table.

I appreciate your help.
Any field which contains letters in addition to numbers must be a text field
(or a memo field if you anticipate that its length will exceed 255
characters). A number field may contain only numbers.

As to how to decide on field lengths... the best way would be to use your
knowledge of the kinds of data you are going to enter. You can always make
them longer later if you need to.

In addition to Cheryl's comments, I'll point out that Access supposedly
doesn't "use" any extra space allotted but not "filled". For example, if
your copy of Access is still set to default a new text field to width = 50,
but you only entered a state abbreviation (TX), Access would only use 2
characters (plus some table-related overhead).

Another option would be to just let Access define the field with a default
of 50 characters, unless, as Cheryl pointed out, you have good reason to
figure you'll need more.

Good luck

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>