Yesterday my PC started really playing up, badly, after I was trying to
play some music on it while running numerous other applications. This
was nothing more than I would normally do.
It's been in serious need of some more memory, it just had 256MB, and
it seemed to be RAM related so I went and got a new stick of RAM for it
(512MB), and while I was at it bought a DVD burner.
When I plugged in the new RAM and DVD burner it would boot, it just did
nothing except run the fans. At this point I thought it may have been
either the MOBO or the CPU. So I just thought hang it, I will go and
get a new MOBO (Asus PS800) and CPU (Celeron 3.2GHZ) too, which I did.
I put the new MOBO in and the CPU. Now it just runs for a few seconds,
makes an unusual sound, from the PSU I think, then stops running. I've
read a few postings here and I realised that I should unplug
everything, except the PSU and RAM and see if it will boot, but it
It makes a strange, very short, sound from the PSU. I think it's coming
from there because the speaker is unplugged and I can't hear it
anywhere else.
If I unplug the RAM the noise will happen numerous times before the
power eventually cuts out.
Is it that the PSU is no good, or something else?
Yesterday my PC started really playing up, badly, after I was trying to
play some music on it while running numerous other applications. This
was nothing more than I would normally do.
It's been in serious need of some more memory, it just had 256MB, and
it seemed to be RAM related so I went and got a new stick of RAM for it
(512MB), and while I was at it bought a DVD burner.
When I plugged in the new RAM and DVD burner it would boot, it just did
nothing except run the fans. At this point I thought it may have been
either the MOBO or the CPU. So I just thought hang it, I will go and
get a new MOBO (Asus PS800) and CPU (Celeron 3.2GHZ) too, which I did.
I put the new MOBO in and the CPU. Now it just runs for a few seconds,
makes an unusual sound, from the PSU I think, then stops running. I've
read a few postings here and I realised that I should unplug
everything, except the PSU and RAM and see if it will boot, but it
It makes a strange, very short, sound from the PSU. I think it's coming
from there because the speaker is unplugged and I can't hear it
anywhere else.
If I unplug the RAM the noise will happen numerous times before the
power eventually cuts out.
Is it that the PSU is no good, or something else?