Will ATI soon have a card out that can rival/better current nvidia
offerings? How is CROSSFIRE shaping up?
offerings? How is CROSSFIRE shaping up?
Will ATI soon have a card out that can rival/better current nvidia
Paul Goodhew said:Carl wrote in message ...
Yes. It's recently been announced that it will be called the x1800
and will be based on the R520 chipset. there are million rumours floating
around about weather it will be 16/24/32 pipelines and various clock
etc... should be as good or better than the 7800gtx, but we will have to
wait and see.
scheduled for realease within a month.
have a look at anandtech.com , theinquirer.net or rage3d.com (go to the
forums there, look under "general radeon discussion", and there is a sub
heading called R520 Rumors. there are HEAPS of views/bits of info in
anandtech have some supposedly official stats on the r520 confirming it is aI think the R520 will have 16 pipes, and the R580 will have 24