New control wont show in form.

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SQL diehard but Access newbie. Any help appreciated for what should be a
simple thing.Using Office XP on XP Pro.

I have a form containing a subform.
Subform record source is a select of all field names in the underlying table
to poplate a series of bound controls on the subform.
I have added a new field to the underlying table. I added a new textbox
control to the subform. Bound its record source to the new field.
Modified the select for the subform to include my new field.

Open table directly and I see my new field. Open subform in design mode I
see my new control.
Switch from design view to form view and no sign of my new control and
therefore my new field data???

Any idea's????
Sounds like you did everything right.

Try closing all the forms and doing a Compact/Repair (Tools, Database
Utilities). Reopen and try again.

See how that goes.

Algis kuliukas
Tried that...Still cant see....
Control property is set to visible and is set to all same other property
values as other controls except for numeric type format mask on some of the

Its got me baffled? Could there be code somewhere to position the controls
and possibly overlay my control?
Lots of possibilities...
Foreground colour same as background (Change one)
No data in field (Enter some)
visible = false (Change it)
behind an opaque box (Bring it to the foreground)
Code hiding it (Find it - look out for code that cycles through all
the controls)
Code moving it
Section it is on not visible (Change it)
Corrupt db (Import form into a new mdb. Is it still a problem)

Try changing the background colour So it stands out. That will at
least eliminate some of the issues
What view is the subform ? Single form / Continuous forms / Datasheet ?

Certainly in datasheet view its possible to have the column width set to
zero, or hidden ( two different things ).


Adrian Jansen
J & K MicroSystems
Microcomputer solutions for industrial control
I finally got it...Dont know why but heres what was happening.
When I added the text box control it also added a label to the left of the
control on the subform.
When I deleted this label, my control then becomes visible.
When the label is pasted back in then my control disapears again...