I have business customers listed under their company names, and 190 personal
contacts with no company name filled in. As I add new personal contacts
(with no company name), Outlook creates a second 'No Name' company, and
begins a second list of personal contacts under the heading Company: None,
rather than adding to the existing one. I have tried going to an existing
personal contact, using the New Contact from Same Company in the drop down,
and this new addition still goes to a newly created 'None' company name. I
would like to have all my personal contacts under one unamed company. All
thoughts appreciated.
contacts with no company name filled in. As I add new personal contacts
(with no company name), Outlook creates a second 'No Name' company, and
begins a second list of personal contacts under the heading Company: None,
rather than adding to the existing one. I have tried going to an existing
personal contact, using the New Contact from Same Company in the drop down,
and this new addition still goes to a newly created 'None' company name. I
would like to have all my personal contacts under one unamed company. All
thoughts appreciated.