new computer w/ XP Pro not avalible on network



We just purchased a new Dell computer that came with XP Pro. Our other two
computers running XP Home are conected on to each other and the internet via
a Linksys router. Those two computer can see each other, share files and
access the internet just fine.
We plugged the new computer with XP Pro into the router and went about
setting it up on the network. The new computer can access the internet but
cannot access ether of the two other existing computers. We have all three
computers in the same workgroup.
We can see the new computer from the other computers but we cannot get into
the new computer's shared folders. We've shut off the firewall on the new
If we try to view the other computers I think that there must be some
setting to allow other computers to see into the XP Pro computer's shared
If I go to the workgroup from that but for now we are get an error message
that reads


john said:
We just purchased a new Dell computer that came with XP Pro. Our
other two computers running XP Home are conected on to each other and
the internet via a Linksys router. Those two computer can see each
other, share files and access the internet just fine.
We plugged the new computer with XP Pro into the router and went about
setting it up on the network. The new computer can access the
internet but
cannot access ether of the two other existing computers. We have all
three computers in the same workgroup.
We can see the new computer from the other computers but we cannot get
the new computer's shared folders. We've shut off the firewall on the
new computer.
If we try to view the other computers I think that there must be some
setting to allow other computers to see into the XP Pro computer's
shared folders.
If I go to the workgroup from that but for now we are get an error
message that reads

XP Home only has Simple Sharing available. Check in your Folder
Options>View settings on the Pro box to see if Simple Sharing is
checked. If it isn't, try checking it. I'll give you links with more
details. Another thing that makes networking easy is to create user
accounts/passwords on the XP Pro box identical to those on the XP Home
machines. Here are links to help you: (Home)
(Pro) - Adding XP to
an existing network



I have a similar problem. Iam trying to add an xp pro machine to a linksys
hub currently connected to a win2000 machine. I can access the internet with
the xp pro, but I can not get either machine to see each other. Do I need
the same solution?



Papa said:
I have a similar problem. Iam trying to add an xp pro machine to a
hub currently connected to a win2000 machine. I can access the
internet with
the xp pro, but I can not get either machine to see each other. Do I
need the same solution?

Since there is no Simple Sharing in Win2k, you need to create user
accounts/passwords on that machine that match the ones on XP Pro.
Disable Simple Sharing on the XP Pro box.



Thank you very much. We will read trough the links. Yesterday, we shut all
of the firewall and internet security features off on XP Pro and Norton
Internet Security. Then we created a new Workgroup on the XP Pro machine.
We switched the XP Home machines to the new Workgroup. One of these steps
made it so that we could access all three machines and share files and
printers. I'm not sure what step did the trick. Now we have the firewall
setting turned "On" in the XP Pro machine and we are able to file and printer
Thank you,


john said:
Thank you very much. We will read trough the links. Yesterday, we
shut all of the firewall and internet security features off on XP Pro
and Norton
Internet Security. Then we created a new Workgroup on the XP Pro
We switched the XP Home machines to the new Workgroup. One of these
steps made it so that we could access all three machines and share
files and
printers. I'm not sure what step did the trick. Now we have the
firewall setting turned "On" in the XP Pro machine and we are able to
file and printer share.
Thank you,

I'm not sure which of the steps worked for you either ;-). In any case,
I'm glad you've got it sorted. Thanks for taking the time to let me



Everything was going fine and then the new computer could not access the
workgroup. If I click on the shortcut for the workgroup I get an error
message that reads:
\\COMPUTERNAME is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this
network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if
you have access permissions.

The network path not found.


Of course this is not OK.

If I try accessing that computer from another computer I can see the icon
for the computer but I cannot access the files and get the same error
message. This problem seemed to be intermittent.

We seem to have tracked down the problem to Norton Internet Security. With
Norton Internet Security shut off the problem goes away. I'll do some
probing into the settings for Norton Internet Security to see where the
problem is.

Thanks for your help,

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