Since Papa did not like specs from Intel, then he was asked
to provide a URL for AMD power supply spec. He did not. I am
still waiting for his URL. But based upon the technical merit
of his last post, I doubt he has ever seen a power supply
Exampled was one essential power supply function. It was
intentionally left for Papa to name this or any other
essential power supply function:
... short together all the DC voltage outputs and power up.
Power supply must not be damaged.
Apparently Papa does not even recognize the example as a
essential function of all power supplies. Instead he
Yet you never say exactly what those functions are. Not too
credible, to say the least. I really doubt if you even know.
Papa did not even know that some power supplies don't even
meet defacto standards of 30 years ago. Provided: that one
essential power supply function. From Intel specs:
3.2.4 Power Limit
Under shrot circuit or overload conditions, no output shall
exceed 240 VA unde any conditions including single component
fault conditions, per IEC 60950 requirements.
3.4.2 Short-circuit Protection
... The power supply shall shut down and latch off for shorting
the +3.3 VDC, +5 VDC, or +12 VDC rails to return or any other
rail. Shorts between the +5 VSB shall not cause any damage to
the power supply. ... The power supply shall be capable of
withstanding a continuous short-circuit to the output without
damage or overstress to the unit under the input conditions
specified in Sections 3.1.
Papa is correct. I did not name the essential function. I
simply exampled an essential function and let Papa name that
function. Instead Papa did not even recognize it as an
essential function - and posted:
One, there is no such thing as a modern computer power supply
that lacks some "essential functions".
Papa does not even know of essential functions that must be
in a computer power supply; even when one was exampled right
before him. Unfortunately he is too typical of the many who
recommend computers and computer components. Too many
computer 'experts' don't even know what basic and essential
functions must be included in a power supply. But they would
even recommend a power supply anyway. No wonder jobs are
leaving America to where people first learn technology before
becoming an 'expert'.
A benchmark for identifying the superior computer
manufacturers - they provide comprehensive diagnostics. This
benchmark eliminates many clone computer assemblers who too
often don't even know of essential functions required in a
power supply.
Provided was an example of an essential power supply
function. Papa could not name it - or any other essential
function. Other essential functions would even be provided in
box with a minimally acceptable power supply. But specs are
not provided with supplies that are missing essential
functions. All Papa had to do is list one item from that spec
sheet. He could not even do that - which is why he 'attacked
the messenger'.
RB: A simple benchmark (comprehensive diagnostics) was
provided. Furthermore, another has been used to demonstrate
that many recommendation come without even basic technical
knowledge. Can they even name one essential function of an
ATX computer power supply? If not, then suspect the
credibility of their recommendation. Good luck in your quest
for a better machine.